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MoonClock Studio

A member registered Oct 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Amazing tutorial!

A fun game with lot's of potential, I had to struggle with some camera viewpoints, but overall I liked the idea and (for some reason enjoyed using the red guys as bait). Would be cool to add the mechanic with having to hit buttons in a rhythm and changing melodies. 


Well that's some underground... I couldn't get the gun back for some reason :(, at some moment I wanted to start shooting in this weirdness :) 

Thanks for your interest in a game and sorry to hear, that you experienced the issue. Could you please let us know what OS and configuration are you launching it on, so we could debug the issue?

Also, we've made some updates to the game(not within the Jam build), to fix some issues and finish some mechanics. Could you please try this build to see if the issue persists:

Thanks a lot for the feedback. We're really glad you liked it! 
Unfortunately, we did not have time to finish everything in time, but we're working on some bug fixes: - last concert, main game mechanic, navigation, map soundtrack, and animations. We will post the build separately in order not to violate the jam rules.