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A member registered Dec 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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Congrats DivineN! So happy for you! It's so well deserved!! :)

Please do! People need more of this sort of imaginative storytelling! Taking players through a cohesive journey is no small feat!

Thank you so much! I'm so glad people are enjoying the time-warping ideas and concepts of this adventure! :)

Thank you so much!!! I wish I had had more time to do polished art for this, but I'm super glad people are enjoying the sketches nonetheless!

Thanks so much!!! And thanks for the support during the whole jam! it was such a trip for me to participate but also reading what everyone came up with! :)

Giving up time can be a bit scary! heheh! It's a relatable theme! :)

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments! I tried my best to give all sorts of different ways people could be affected by having time being cut out, resizing limbs and organs in strange ways felt right and creepy to do. But I enjoy a good macabre mood. eheheh

Thanks so much!! I definitely build it in a way that would allow the possibility of a cult or the Crocodilus to just appear out of nowhere in some other random places.

I'll make sure to go around and fix mistakes. English isn't my mother-tongue, so I'll probably need help proof reading properly too! I definitely finished it all in a rush! ahah! Thanks for the head's up! :)

Thank you so much! I tried my very best to build something that could either be a short moment as a passage through a city OR become a thing that keeps creeping back if the DM wishes so! I'm glad to hear it inspires others! :)

AH! These are all so good and colourful! I'm absolutely obssessed with the Echo Alchemist and the Armless Sculptor. And it's not the say the rest is not fantastic, because it all really is! But those two strike a special cord for me! Super inspiring work!! Thanks so much for sharing it!

Ohhh and I can see all these mutated vessels as strange half machine / half sea creatures in my head and I'm loving it! The Fleshsinger transforming the vessels delicately is lovely too, whimsical even! There is a whole charm to it all that would suit any underwater adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Delightful setting in a corporate building! The NPCs offered open up great possibilities to build around them! They are super quirky yet relatable! And that jittery intern! ahah! That made me laugh! Great work!

This was so on theme with the jam! Like everyone else, I love the victorian look and feel of it all. Passing our flyers like these to players would really make any game immersive! All the items are so original and inspiring too! Very whimsical! Fantastic job!

This felt like a solid pitch to present the idea of the world you started to build. We can tell that a lot of thought has been put into each character, each moment, the timeline of it all, it's so impressive to see that it happened in such a short time too! I love the two brother deamons so soooo much! I could imagine them influencing the world in so many ways! 

I'm biased because I adore Mike Mignola and I could feel that influence seep through in great ways here : the bold shadows that make use focus on specific details in the art. The limited color palette, the thick and angular lines. I think that choice was perfect because it totally fits the mood and you've made it your own in a good way. Maybe it's because I'm an illustrator, but I can see how long all this could take. That's massive! Good job!

This has so much flavour!! It's creepy (I mean it as a compliment!) in a great way. Makes me feel uneasy just reading all of it! I can't believe how much work was put into the layout and aesthetic! It's gorgeous really! 

AH! This is such an interesting take on the jam's theme (or at least my way of interpreting it). Taking public domain art and turning them into backgrounds is not small challenge! Lots of fun, unexpected options in this list that I would love to try as a player! Great work! :)

You are quite the storyteller! This was very fun read and each room has such a unique et clear image to them. I could imagine myself walking through it all.  The idea of teleporting into a glass terrarium is so good! I could see this happen again and again in an adventure. Lovely work! So glad you submitted!

This was a lot of fun! Having a casino moment in a game can really allow for crazy characters and outrageous situations. Finding mini games that are quick and playable with  D6s is solid! As a DM,  it makes me want to create a few more to add onto this. Very fun! :)

Delightful idea that's honestly super flexible: could really be slotted in any game in truly fun ways and also leaves a lot of space for the DM to play around with it! I LOVE the head clerk! That sticky note idea definitely made me giggle! Good work! 

I personally wasn't trying to game it but more, I was scared that if I voted for one, then that was it. It's not super clear ahah! I just want to vote fairly and make sure I can to give encouragement to everyone. :) 

Thanks for the feedback on this! I feel a little better about it all! :)

Thanks for your feedback! I really wasn't sure at all what was the best way! That makes a lot of sense!

I see it now yes! Thanks! And is it that we only vote for one thing? (It looks like we can rate them all right now because of the star system. I think that's why I am confused! ahah)

I'm not sure I can see how all participants can vote. What's the best way to do this?

Thank you for creating the jam! I had so much fun doing all this and it was a really good creative challenge to tackle! 

I can't wait to read everything that was submitted! I just need a day away from it all beforehand! It was intense! hehe!