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You sure like grass! My general advice would be to try and make less irregular walls and grass patches. It makes it easier to navigate and such. Also passages that are only 1 tile wide doesnt really work in-game, so get rid of those! I think that if you give your maps some more attention to detail, you could improve them a lot :) Try to look at in-game maps as well and take clues from how they are designed - wall formations, gras formation etc.
And also, it's easier to give feedback if you post one map per post ;) It's better to create multiple posts then imo. Good luck with your future map designs!
I gotta say; its a really good map! I think it looks like a lot of fun :) Except perhaps for the water. Water is kinda buggy in-game, so I'd advise not to use it for BB. If you really want some, then at least make the pools smaller. Im thinking of the 2x3 water pools near the goals. Except for that, its an excellent map! (Also you have a 1-tile area at the left and right of center. Just fix that as well)
I would love a 5v5 mode, and I've been thinking a lot on how that would best play out. I like that you used the editor to try it out :) One thinkg to keep in mind; the teams are decided based on their vertical spawn point. So all brawlers north of center will be in one team, and those south will end up in the other. So for your experiemnt, it would be better to put the spawns at the top/bottom of the map.