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A member registered Jan 17, 2022

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Nicely done, thank you! Very cool decor pack.

10/10 This is awesome!

Well, I guess it's time I lower my settings then. I'm on a 7800x3d/4070ti and I'm getting wrecked in the same resolution, but only on this map. Either way, #ultrawidegang

What resolution are you playing in?

Well I found the link below on the main page. It's not exactly a "pack" as much as it is just links to download the mods yourself, but that's not even a complete list. For a map relying so heavily on mods (not a bad thing) they should have been included with the main ZIP.

(1 edit)

ZIP has nothing but the map in it, is there a building pack I'm supposed to go find somewhere? There's no buildings on the map.

Edit: Oh, now I see, I'm supposed to have seen the pack. Might be a good idea to link to it.

Second edit: That wasn't even a complete pack of the buildings either. :(
The best plan would be to add everything you need into a single ZIP and put it up for DL alongside of this map or with a link here to that DL. That way people can actually find everything easily.

I can't say with 100% certainty, but based on his track record, I would say yes. I don't see why it wouldn't be.

Wow! This is A+, best Pete I've seen yet.

Any way to get that steering wheel into the down position without IC? I don't mind editing, just curious where to start looking for it. Installing IC wrecks my savegames so that's a no go.

Definitely something causing it to hang up extremely easily. Trying to use this on No Creek and you can see the tires on all three axles not making ground contact on any steep angles.

Yep, every single one of them across every single platform there is. You only wish you had that level of coverage.

Oh cool, so I'd have to make a Facebook account to get the mods I need for this map.  *facepalm*

Paying to be a map tester and the map being released for free when it's done and a map being behind a patreon paywall are two totally different things.


Awesome flags! Thank you!

Thank you for the terrain fix!


A+ Thank you!

Any method of doing this without a facebook account? I'm not about to make one just for that.

10/10, This is far and away the best 1100 we've ever had in FS.

I actually don't even have facebook, but excellent job on the mod! Works without any issues with the color selection mod. 

So I'm guessing the update was supposed to condense it down to one of each building to choose from in the build menu. However, there's no option to change colors or trim now. So you get one beige and white building.

Two issues, one major, one just annoying. Both of these I have tested with and without mods, and with a clean install of the game.

The annoying one: if you stray off of a grass field with a mower, or go out of the field a bit with a mulcher and hit the decor grass, it disappears the next day instead of growing back.

The major one: The traffic light system uses invisible walls to stop traffic, this is neat in theory, except that it also stops you. No big deal either right? Just obey the signals. Except if you have a semi, because you swing for corners, and the opposing light catches you. It's basically impossible (by level of annoyance) to navigate any of the traffic lighted areas with a semi truck.

Otherwise, really enjoying it. It's an excellent map. As some others have said some of the audio queues from previous farms are still there. That's odd, but not the end of the world.

Right on! Hope to see either one at some point. Looks excellent from the screen shots! Thanks again for the replies.

Thanks for the reply! Any chance you'll release that version of it? Been hunting all over for one with the right wheels on it. It looks so goofy with the euro ones.

Super excited for this! Here's to hoping it passes the first time.
Out of curiosity, where is that big bud in the screen shots from?

Thanks for letting us have it! Been looking forward to this one. Great job as usual!

10/10! Between having an actual suspension, unique sounds, and the extreme level of detail you put into this, it is far and away the best truck in FS now. Thank you!

He's a special kind of stupid.

Oh look, another mod I could buy and post everywhere.

You couldn't be more wrong bud. 

You may want to learn how to read the legal side of FS22, you know, the game this is an asset of.

Think I might just buy this and start posting it everywhere.

Will this one attach to a header trailer?

Merry Christmas to you as well! Thank you for whatever this turns out to be, and thanks for all your hard work on so many awesome mods!

Thank you for the hard work and the public release! This is awesome!

That makes sense actually. I love it, it's a great map. I just got a little confused because it said 4x in the description but when I loaded it up it obviously wasn't. Like I said, super awesome map though. Finally a real American map to use smaller equipment on!

Well, it's an awesome map, but it's not 4x. Either way, super awesome and highly detailed.

Wow! The stubble is so nice! Such a great job with that. Absolutely loving this map!

I don't think this one is happening. :( Hopefully he picks it back up later on