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Scopophobia Studios

A member registered Oct 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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house hunted 2 was removed for personal reasons :( im working on the fully uncanny valley game and house hunted 2 will be part of that game! its going to be a bit though because i have other projects in the works, im sorry its taking so long, i am only one programmer :(

are you holding down shift to run? O: ALSO make sure you took the pills from your inventory if youre on the last chase in the second part of the hospital! it makes you run faster!

OH i see! sorry about that, yeah currently the game is played through keyboard and doesnt have point and click yet cause of the engine it was made on, but i plan on updating it eventually with mouse controls!

glad ya got it working!

good luck, sorry for the issues! ive never heard of anyone else having this issue, so i can only guess the file was corrupted when you unpacked it x_x

(1 edit)

he only shows up for a chase 4 times (2 of those times is in succession in the basement, one small one in the cafeteria and the last one is through the hospital out the second floor) O: make sure you save often ;w; 

hmm strange, id say try deleting it and redownloading it and make sure youre clicking the icon with the red dragon

if its still causing an issue, could you take a screenshot of what it looks like?

thats strange ive never heard of this happening before O: 

are you running it on a windows PC or a mac?

head down and use space to interact with the edge of the map to go to the next area ^^

you use space to interact, shift to run!

you would have to move over the saves from your old files into the new file, it doesnt move things automatically.

though if you last played on an older version, the game has had some updates and the saves may no longer work x_x my apologies

there may be a rerelease soon!

ah the bitmap error seems to be an fps issue x_x im so sorry for that im currently trying to find a fix for it! 

and thank you so much for letting me know about the board! i coulda swore i fixed that, but ill go see if theres any issues with the script! 

im glad those were the only issues you encountered!!! im so so glad you enjoyed the game ;w;

all the purpuras have sharp teeth! when i originally made randall in 2015 his sharp teeth were meant to be a stylized representation of chipped and crooked teeth, but over time i just kind of decided they were a genetic trait cause it looks unique XD youll notice that his uncle nicolas also has em, but his father honey does not so its strictly on the purpura side.

oh that sounds right! im pretty sure thats what ive used in the past ^^ you should be able to open up the files with that !

oh! its not the mouth one, you want the other two holes in the area! its just in the same area as the big mouth monster

theres a hole in the ground that will teleport you to a hole standing up, just go back and forth between those and you should eventually find eve ^w^

ah those are the base files within rpgmaker x_x it usually hides the game files i added during compression, but i know theres a way to access them, but idk where the tutorial is ;o;

hello! to get to the eve area you need to jump back and forth between the holes in the scribble world (the one with the big monster you walk inside the mouth of). its set to a randomized variable so it may take some time to get it to work (its programmed like how uboa in yume nikki works) though keep in mind some computers experienced a crash in random areas of the dream (due to FPS issues) so make sure you save your game before doing it!

and for the sprites, i think you should be able to just open the game files O: if they arent showing up im not entirely sure how people are data mining the game, but you could google how to get into the files of an rpgmaker vx ace game! i did it once before with the lisa rpg games but ive totally forgotten how i did it sjfgdsfj i think theres a program you can download that should rip the files haha

the music used in john doe should be from this pack-

i recommend paying for it if you wanna use it instead of taking it from the game files ;w; theres a credit for the composer in the game but i added the link for future reference

technically it takes place in moths' psyche! but randalls experiencing it 

ofc ! sorry for the confusion ^^

the burnt bed is in the first dream thats in moths brain with the conveyor belts O: its after the first door slams after the hallway, grab the lighter and head to the bottom right corner of the room and you should find the bed!

the hint to the code to the locker is in the phone world (walk to the left of the locker and youll see some arms and legs in a specific shape, walk up through the legs)

the code is a combo of 3 numbers in that world that make the same sound (or is repeated in the phone booths), you have to figure out what order they go in (theres a double number)

although you dont need to figure out the locker to progress the game, its just extra content you can do, theres a walkthrough you can download on the game page thatll walk you through what to do in this area

ah sorry i dont feel comfortable clicking links, but its the scene where youre supposed to hide in a tent, instead hide under a table during that scene and you should get the cg

theres a walkthrough you can download if it helps, its a text document so you should be able to translate it

unfortunately, im not sure exactly where you are in the game, but it sounds like you havent used the phone yet? if you ran from moths in the cafeteria after getting the box cutter, youll get a prompt to use the phone, from there you call the number you found earlier in your inventory

to get that cg you have to do the tate/messiah secret ending! theres a guide for it in the ending guide you can download for free on the itchio page for the game ^w^

this cg in partulcular is if you die during one of the quick time hiding scenes! 

it wouldnt be possible for a game to "send you back to the original", theyre both totally different game files. both games do start the same way though

if you play until you see doe you can see if his sprite is updated, have you checked that?

oh frostbite was moved to our adults only itchio! its still around ^w^ i dont want to link it bc its an adult game and this is our sfw itchio, but im sure you could find it if you looked owo !

and thank you for enjoying our work ;w;

removed for the time being for personal reasons, im unable to fix an issue with the game due to the loss of all the files so heim's game will return in the full uncanny valley game !

theres a walkthrough and an ending guide+diary page locations file on the downloads page for free :D

you dont need the cartridge to progress unless youre trying to get the true ending

you need to-

make sure you get the cutscene when you click on his bed, grab the rope on the wall and the whiskey on the table then go into the bathroom and grab the bleach and then head back out into the living room

you cant move at all or are you slow? if youre slow, you take the pills from your inventory you got earlier

if youre frozen and cant move, i recommend closing the game and either closing all other programs and relaunching or restarting your computer and then only having the game open when you play again! some computers with slower processors dont like running the game if theres other programs open O: lemme know if this helps and if not i can look into it more! 

ah can you check the diary pages and let me know what number youre missing? if it's number 13, at the end of the last dream, before you walk up the staircase to wake up, instead turn around and walk backwards going down until you reach the page!

yep, you cannot save whenever! save spots are the diaries through out the game (the main one is in randalls closet to the left) and if youre playing as mya you can save with her cat

theres also prompts throughout the game that prompt you to save automatically.

oh my gosh i am so relieved you got it working ;w; !!!!! and no problem! i wanna make sure the game works since you paid for it ;w; I hope you have fun with it! you can open up your menu/inventory with the esc key if you need to use your map or check what items you have if you get lost! you can only save from save locations (the diaries through out the game or mya's cat when youre playing as Mya)

i also have a full walkthrough + ending guide available for free in the downloads on the game page!

oh like you interact with the boundary to exit areas O: you can use either space or enter i believe, or (i cant remember which but) either X or A on xbox controller! 

if youre able to try it on another computer, please let me know if you can get it working! im very sorry for the trouble ;;; its a bit of a chunky game so its not great for older computers unfortunately

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thats really weird x_x can i ask if youre playing on a windows or mac with winebottler? 

and it wont give you the map? did you go to the bottom path of the map and click to leave? are you getting the item sparkle or is nothing happening at all? im trying my best o figure out what could possibly be going on, but youre the first person ive seen have this issue and the game is working fine on my end and for all my testers so im a little at a loss :( 

i tried to look up if anyone else has had this issue with rpgmaker games and someone said try F6 or FN+F6 to toggle it or you can check this fix someone else used-

you can also try FN+F1 and make sure audio is enabled, it could have gotten turned off somehow

if nothing manages to work, you can get a refund from itchio i believe ;-; im very sorry for the issues, it doesnt seem like an issue with the game though which makes it hard for me to fix this OTL

(1 edit)

hmm thats strange, i even downloaded the game from the itchio to test it and it seems to be working fine on my end

your sound card might be messing up, i recommend restarting your computer (or shutting it down for a minute) and then trying again and see if that fixes the sound O: 

if that doesnt work, there may have been an error when you unpacked the file, you could delete the download and the files and try redownloading and re-unpacking to see if that fixes it!

also make sure your computer didnt accidentally get muted! i bump my mute button a lot myself without realizing it XD

if the games not starting, there wouldnt be sound ^^;;

can i ask your process for launching the game?

ah ok ive seen this issue a couple times, its your computers firewall

first make sure it downloaded at all, sometimes on windows 11 or updated browsers it wont even download it unless you allow it to, so try to download the file again and see if theres a pop up in your downloads box, you should be able to select "download anyway". if not, try to use a different browser like firefox or chrome if youre not using one of those

next, once you get your browser to behave to download it, you should be able to open what file it downloaded to from your downloads, open the folder its in and it should look like a blue box icon. click on it and your firewall might say "its a virus cause we dont know this developer" which is totally common with itchio games, it even happened to me when i downloaded it onto another computer and also when i got baldi's basics.

you should be able to click a small button in the corner that says "more options" and then you can hit "run anyway". itll extract the files to the same folder the blue box is in, but now itll just be a new folder you can open. open the new folder (not the blue box again) and scroll down a little til you see an icon that looks like a red dragon and click on that to launch the game.

im sorry it giving you some trouble :( if you cant get it to work, i do plan on uploading to steam soon and youll receive a free copy of it there for owning it on itchio!

theres an easter egg in the long/last dream, but a lot of her content i had in mind was cut due to time restraints and just struggling to make it flow :( i do have some plans for her in the future though!

and thank you so much!!! ;w;

no worries! got a little worried it may have not been working ! glad to know everythings running correctly ^w^

oh i dont believe theres a save at the start of that nightmare O: i would recommend saving in randalls apartment closet before going to bed ;w;