that's referring to the amount of TVs you can choose from, which is still 3!
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hey, sheesh thank you very much!
1. No idea, since I am releasing the updates for free after the newer ones come out, I'm not sure there'll be much of an incentive to buy it.
2. I have a lot of ideas and designs for new shards but I don't want to make any big promises, I feel I work better when I treat this as a hobby than a job. I'm just gonna keep working on it until I'm satisfied.
3. These characters are way too precious to me to hand them over, they are quite literally amalgams of my kinks given form. So let's just pray I get to stay healthy for many years >:)
No cheats for now, I want to focus on drawing-writing-compiling, I crafted myself a fairly sturdy workflow to add new characters easily so I'm just gonna keep pumping content.
Nah, it's not that simple, every line is hardcoded in, even changing the timings requires me to go line per line, here I'd need to replace the pronouns each time with variables on a project with thousands of lines of dialog. Can't do an automatic thing either because sometimes the girls might say "he" and not refer to the player. Also would need to figure out if it needs to replace "his" for "hers" and so on or lowercase/uppercase like you said yada yada. Sure, a skilled coder would pull it off in a flash but my bird artist brain can't.
That's from a technical perspective, but since I have the chance to point this out now I'd say that Anon is canonically a he. Has been referred to as such in my comics from the start and I want to keep it that way.
thank you so much for the feedback
I do have plans for "difficulty", some sisters will have considerably cheaper prices than the ones currently in the game, so if you want to win early, they'll let you do so.
I'll look into the music, shouldn't be too hard but then again the game is kinda hold together via duct tape lol (artist brain)
VA is quite pricey, if I ever add it I'd like to be in japanese, there's a lot of VA from Japan I'd love to work with, but that'd mean adding a jp localization, which is even pricier than the VA itself...