That's awesome! I appreciate the work and effort you're putting in. I have faith you'll get it to where it needs to be. ^^ I'll be join the discord for better updates. Thanks again for the game
Recent community posts
Hello! I love the game concept thus far, but there are some small things that need a bit of work. The grammar has it's moments where it doesn't really flow well, and there's the shower scene where a "black" man approaches you but he looks extremely white. Unless you're just referencing the size of his member, which better wording would help. All together though, concept is good and I like how the story is coming along. I think you have something really good going, but I also think, even if it looks subpar, that your own are or a 5 dollar Fiver commission would look significantly better than the AI gens you have. I do like the game, and I hope you guys continue it. There's a lack of sissy games and this one has a good amount of potential. o>
I feel as though most games that revolve around crafting could benefit to have at least a couple in-game tutorials or a handbook that's able to move with the player so you can check as you go along. Personally, I have dyslexia so reading long text is a huge deterrent for me when it comes to a lot of games. So having that small picture of what I'm supposed to do with either summed up text or literal picture form goes a long way for me and probably a lot of other players as well.
Just an idea. Great game overall though. Just a bit confusing with crafting sometimes. <3