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A member registered Jun 06, 2016

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Quick Edit to say that this ad is for the Horror Jam that i am in and not for other such things, though i would still love to chat with you about projects if you are outside the Horror Jam

i can do that! though are you in the Horror Game Jam? i have not heard of the Obscure Jam at all

I admit I am not well versed in 3D programs, i can do little things in blender, though it might not be enough.

(1 edit)

Heyo! im Riley Slusarenko and i make weird arty stuff, and i was wondering if there was a team that wanted someone who could make sprites and weird animation stuff.  plus if there are any programmers who need an artist to side with im open!  I have some ideas of my own as to what to do for the theme but i wanna be open to what anyone also has in mind!  if anyone has any interest in having me on board throw me a line and i will follow it right to you!