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It is also strange that you say you think it is the ray origins and diretions that are not calculated correctly, (although you could very possibly be right, I wouldn't doubt it) But it is strange, because if I do a basic ray box intersection using the same ray directions and origins there is no warping at all. The warping exists entirely within the DDA algorithm I have. Here it is:
fn Sphere_DDA_March( start_pos: vec3<f32>, // Starting position of the ray in world space end_pos: vec3<f32>, // Ending position of the ray in world space voxel_size: vec3<f32>, // Size of each voxel in the voxel grid bounds: vec3<i32>, // Dimensions of the voxel grid (width, height, depth) ) -> vec4<f32> { var direction: vec3<f32> = normalize(vec3<f32>(end_pos - start_pos)); var step: vec3<i32> = vec3<i32>( select(-1, 1, direction.x > 0.0), select(-1, 1, direction.y > 0.0), select(-1, 1, direction.z > 0.0) ); var tMax: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>( ((select(floor(start_pos.x / voxel_size.x) + 1.0, floor(start_pos.x / voxel_size.x), direction.x < 0.0) * voxel_size.x) - start_pos.x) / direction.x, ((select(floor(start_pos.y / voxel_size.y) + 1.0, floor(start_pos.y / voxel_size.y), direction.y < 0.0) * voxel_size.y) - start_pos.y) / direction.y, ((select(floor(start_pos.z / voxel_size.z) + 1.0, floor(start_pos.z / voxel_size.z), direction.z < 0.0) * voxel_size.z) - start_pos.z) / direction.z ); var tDelta: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>( abs(voxel_size.x / direction.x), abs(voxel_size.y / direction.y), abs(voxel_size.z / direction.z) ); let center: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(15.0); var ray_world_coord = vec3<f32>(vec3<f32>(current_voxel) * voxel_size); var ray_dist: f32 = f32(sqrt(((ray_world_coord.x - camera.position.x) * (ray_world_coord.x - camera.position.x)) + ((ray_world_coord.y - camera.position.y) * (ray_world_coord.y - camera.position.y)) + ((ray_world_coord.z - camera.position.z) * (ray_world_coord.z - camera.position.z)))); while(ray_dist < 256.0){ ray_world_coord = vec3<f32>(vec3<f32>(current_voxel) * voxel_size); var world_cord = vec3<f32>(vec3<f32>(current_voxel) * voxel_size); ray_dist = f32(sqrt(((ray_world_coord.x - camera.position.x) * (ray_world_coord.x - camera.position.x)) + ((ray_world_coord.y - camera.position.y) * (ray_world_coord.y - camera.position.y)) + ((ray_world_coord.z - camera.position.z) * (ray_world_coord.z - camera.position.z)))); var dist: f32 = f32(sqrt(((world_cord.x - center.x) * (world_cord.x - center.x)) + ((world_cord.y - center.y) * (world_cord.y - center.y)) + ((world_cord.z - center.z) * (world_cord.z - center.z)))); if (dist < 60.0){ let start_light: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(world_cord.x, world_cord.y + -0.5, world_cord.z); let end_light: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(world_cord.x, world_cord.y + 10.0, world_cord.z); let output = DDA_Light(start_light, end_light, voxel_size, bounds); if (output == 0) { return vec4<f32>(1.0, ray_dist / 100.0, 0.0, 1.0); } else { return vec4<f32>(0.75, ray_dist / 100.0, 0.0, 1.0); } } if (tMax.x < tMax.y && tMax.x < tMax.z) { current_voxel.x += step.x; tMax.x += tDelta.x; } else if (tMax.y < tMax.z) { current_voxel.y += step.y; tMax.y += tDelta.y; } else { current_voxel.z += step.z; tMax.z += tDelta.z; } } return vec4<f32>(0.0); }
Indeed, If I run into any trouble I will ask :D I think I'll probably do the voxel raytracing first, and just have the meshing later, I'll have the voxel raytracer write to the Depth-Buffer and then just have the rasterizer compare depthbuffer distance and check if it should render that particular pixel or not. But I'll be doing all raytracing in a compute shader which will fill a texture and have that texture be read by the fragment shader later.
Hey, thanks! I won't be using all of bevy, I'm going to write my own voxel renderer, I'm not a fan of how bevy does it (default rendering). So i'll just be writing my own and integrating it with the rest of the system. Its a neat game engine this project was made using only the ecs side of bevy no default renderer or other libs at all: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2198150/Tiny_Glade/ Kinda similar to what I'm doing, but with voxels.