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A member registered Apr 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Randomly played this game, it still holds up, like everyone else is telling you, add more and flesh this out, it can be quite fun, i really like that she jumps high and has some hang time, it kinda just works.

This game is really fun I hope you keep working on it!!!

Well I guess I didn't think that response all the way through lol.

awesome little game, fun and simple, could very much imagine playing this game on a cell phone from 20ish years ago.

This could easily be a NES title from the past or an arcade game that time forgot, I cant wait to see what else you create.

Looks interesting, do you control the rotation with button presses or does it follow the mouse?

Amazing, feels very retro and very well polished, absolutely love it.

Interesting concept, love the artwork and feel of the game, also the ambient music really helps to set the tone, great job.

Can hold down space instead of having to click, made it to 1337 cookies before i got bored.

Not a bad game tho, just needs some content.

reached the 2 month mark and the screen just stays frozen with "Were sorry for the inconvenience, but the NSFW platform is not currently available in your country"

Im going to give this a shot, playing with godot and curious how i can put something together that looks retro and classic, I was a huge fan of those Ti-83 calculators and would write programs for them in both "basic" and z80 assembly.

Godot, tired of waiting for unity and trying to learn godot.

It was kinda crazy at first, but I really enjoyed the concept and the gameplay, great job.