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A member registered Aug 26, 2022

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I absolutely loved your stuff! Please contact me on Discord at MQ#8174, we're making a darkish game where you fight as the demon heir.  Your style would fit perfectly!

The demis have been forced all the way behind the mountains to the east. Any remaining filth is either a slave or dead. It wasn't always this way, but with the rising of the Dark Lord, it was necessary. Everyone knows demi-humans are just demons in waiting. At least, that's what MC thought until they woke up as a full-fledged demon themself! Will they accept their demonic heritage or show people that good is more than skin deep?

The gameplay of this project revolves around 2 main phases, field combat (RPG) and village mechanics. Talk with the denizens of the demi society, help them, and grow closer with them while working with the Shadow Guild to conquer mankind. However, the MC still holds close ties to the prince and his entourage; will they eventually trust him again? Character focused decisions between old family and new are what define this story.

We already have a couple of artists and a sound designer, as well as I, the game designer/writer. We need a couple of programmers to make this vision into a reality. I was thinking we would likely use Unity 2D as our engine. We're still open to suggestions  as well, with open discussions on the direction of this project, so you can contribute as much or as little as you want in that department.

Please contact me on Discord at MQ#8174 if interested! Thank you for reading :)

We'd be happy to have you! We're making a character driven RPG similar to Undertale x Stardew Valley. We're still in the planning stages, but happy to fulfill all your requests! Most of us are working on this for our portfolios, and will revshare if we decide to charge players. My discord is MQ#8174 if you're interested!

Hey FluffyTheWeeb! We're a small team starting a project akin to Undertale/Stardew Valley with a dark but cute aesthetic. We'd be happy to work with you as we all are wanting to build our portfolios. Please contact me on discord at MQ#8174 so we can talk more!