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Mr. AmateurDev

A member registered May 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yup definitely can't handle NTR. I shouldve listened to the warning  instead of trying to push through lol. Nice art tho, the girls all looked pretty good.

PC , but I'm thinking it's a problem on my end cause it happened with another game. So it's fine.

Says Data error screens.rpyc whenever I extract and the game just doesn't open

I am very much an asshole yes, specifically to people who ask for it. Also I hope you aren't calling me homophobic cause I'm definitely bisexual.

You keep prologue in italics like it's going to mean something. Look you're acting a little crazy over this not being able to sleep with men thing and I'm pretty sure you're blowing it out of proportion. I never said that they were gonna change anything simply that the game was in development and that you needed to give it more time before complaining about choices. What if it's not in the prologue, but the main story? You won't know unless you just wait. And yes I know you're complaining about the prologue, but that's still literally the beginning of the game so again patience. Like there is literally no way you're that upset that you can't sleep with a man.

The complete waste was this comment. The game is still in development I'm sure they didn't add in the Queer tag for shits & giggles, so just give it time? The game hasn't even been released for 24 hours yet ffs.

Love the update. The story seemed to have less choices than I thought it would, but at the same time it didn't bother me since it gave me less things to fuck up. Keep up the good work.

Damn it always be the little things I don't think of. Also really liking the Jake and MC dynamic. The build-up is pretty good.

Alright I'm confused. Row 6 Column 1 the bow right after the Alice dream. Someone explain cause I've went through the update a couple of times now and I just dont know. 

Love the update btw.

Ah okay then that's cool. Seriously tho Great job with the game. Not many games make me consider subscribing to the patreon especially ones that are this recent.

Be me playing game, having fun, liking the story. Get to certain part of game and make a choice *Locks you into Romance* Me: Oh well I'm not that big of a fan of this characters I'll just make the other choice. *Locks you into NTR* Me: Me well shit...well maybe it's not that bad I don't really want the romance route. *It's that bad* Me: FML...Romance it is.

I love the game so far and obviously I'm not gonna stop playing for that reason alone cause that was my only issue with it after playing for idk like 3-4 hours or so? Give or take. But seriously great job so far.


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At first I was getting really frustrated and was gonna quit, but I kept going and gotta say it was fun and satisfying to beat, tho I wish I got to see more of the demoness. 

Oh so like this is just the updated version of Tomb Escape?

Well I've gotten everything except the Super Victory I guess. Tho I'm sure I've tried everything. I don't really get it. Fun game tho.

I'm pretty terrible at Rhythm games, but this is still really fun and very well made.