this is what they mean
Recent community posts
I feel like there isnt much to say because everything i wanted to say has already been said by other but i feel the need to say this from person to person rather than from player to game dev, taking care of yourself and doing what your comfortable with should be above all else, i feel as though im not wrong to say that the entire community just wants you to be good and comfortable while doing this, so for me, im going to say the exact same as everyone which is, do what your most comfortable with because we will all understand and be there to support you with anything ( that aside the point that missmemoir and mc toast made is a really cool and wholesome idea)
omg ok long response incoming,
so for valesor they would definitly dark and flying or dark and grass type, his team would be cacturne, shiftry, brute bonnet, meowscarada and finally zarude (mf thinks he's good with only 5 pokemon)
for emio she would choose a bunch of combinations of poison typings so her team would be drapion, overqwil, toxtricity-low key, galarian slowking, gengar and then her ace would come completely out of left field because its lunala
for mikor he's definetly choosing grass fighting types so his team would be breloom, chesnaught, hisuian lilligant, hisuian decidueye, scovillain (because one of his eyes are red) and for his ace galarian articuno, (I COULDNT FIND A PURPLE GRASS TYPE OTHER THAN CHERIM AND IM NOT HAVING THAT LITTLE PLANT BE HIS ACE LMFAO)
also i like to give my mc's 1 legendary so they can have a strong ace on their team but not be too overpowerd