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Mr Georgie

A member registered May 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for letting me know!

Thanks! I'll check it asap.

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't had the time to check the messages. I finished to update all the links, the problem should be fixed now.

Thank you for your kind words, I really apreciate it.

And thank you for your offer, maybe we can talk to see if this could work. Send me a mail to:, I´ll be busy the next few days but I'll try to respond asap

Hey! Nice to read that you liked my game, unfortunately, I don't know if I'll put this development on standby. I've received mostly bad reviews and even lost some Patreons since the last update.

I don't like to leave things unfinished, but is not encouraging to work on a project with a lot of bad reviews.

By the way, I used Honey Select 2 for the graphics, there is a discord server if you want to learn:

Thanks! I'll think about it ;)

I'm uploading the corrections you mentioned, and in about an hour will be ready.

Thanks again!!!

Thanks for your comment!

About the apps, I use Grammarly and DeepL at the same time, unfortunately, sometimes the sentences make no sense, so I have to trust my limited English skills to fix them.

About hiring a translator, I'd love to. But, as things are seen now, maybe not be soon.

Despite the flaws, I hope you enjoyed the story.

Thank you!!! I'll do the corrections ASAP!!!

Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you like the characters. I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters as well.

Thanks for your comment and sorry, I just saw it.

I'm glad that you like my game and yeah, I'm making a new one fairly different.

If you want to know more, please check my Patreon page:

Congrats Stawer, you deserve it!!! I hope one day I can achieve something like this.

In that case, I'm glad to accept your help, you can contact me by email:

Thanks again.

Thank you for your comment, I'm so glad that you are enjoying my game.

I really appreciate your offer about proofreading, but unfortunally I don't have the money to pay you properly. But if you still want to help, maybe I can mention you in the credits if that works for you.

Thank you so much for your comment! I hope you enjoy the next chapters as well. Happy holidays ABTBenjamins