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A member registered Dec 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Uninstall the previous version before installing a fresh one.

Try again or text me on discord, I'll send you another link. But you can request a refund if you want, of course.

I don't think so. Although pregnancy might be at the very end and only one scene. But I can't say for sure.


The latest build includes all previous updates. So download the latest build available and continue your playthrough. 

Hi. I just checked, all links work correctly. What is the exact issue you having?

Hi. I'm glad my game helped you in some way and resonated with you. It's always nice to have something like this to help us during taught times.  

Stay strong! 

Thank you.

You'll have options with Daisy.

Delete the game and install a fresh update. If that doesn't help, make a backup of saves then uninstall. Then delete both folders from Documents/DA/da.fix.future and Android/data/da.fix.future then reinstall again. After launching the game, apply the saves.

So your game works, but you can't load the save? I talked about this in my posts and even mentioned it on the first screen when you launch the game. Some saves from older versions might not work in the new update. You have to start a new game or try other saves.

Can you explain what exactly doesn't work? Do you get any errors? If yes, provide a screenshot or code of error. For faster reply text me on my discord server on "bugs and typos" channel.

Initially, I planned to include the second chapter in the free version after the release of 3rd chapter, yes.

But considering my plans on releasing "Book 1" on Steam next year and plans on changing chapter numbering I might not do that after all. Otherwise, the biggest part of paid "Book 1" will be available in a free demo version which isn't very smart or fair. So probably demo version will stay the same and will include an intro and the first chapter(three chapters after the numbering change).

Hope I didn't confuse you :) I wrote about my plans and explanation on numbering here if you missed it.

I'll start working on it in a few days. It's hard to assume release dates now. But at least 3-4 months.

Yes. Probably after two more updates. You can read my latest patreon post where I write about this.

If you won't be able to download the game on August 7, yes. Text me on discord with your email used for the purchase.

Hi. Unfortunately, I can't add more than one link to my files on itch. But you can text me on discord and I'll send you alternative download link from mediafire.

Hi. Probably because you've bought it for another price.

Release dates for other tiers(prices):

  • $15 (Level 4 Agent): Saturday, August 3
  • $10 (Level 3 Agent): Wednesday, August 7

And if you bought it much earlier for $5, text me on discord. I'll send you a download link for $5 on Monday, August 12.

You can either wait until it's available or pay extra for early access. The regular price is $10. 

Because I replace previous files so you no longer see the previous version you purchased. Probably not the best way to do it, but otherwise it'll be a mess of different versions in one place and people may get confused about what build should they download.

No. This is the end of the free demo version. You need to purchase the full game to continue.

The full game cost 10$. You pay once. You just get new updates later if you paid the regular price. Patrons and those who purchased on itch by higher price get updates earlier. So I just increase itch prices for a few days to match my patreon tiers on new releases. That's it. Consider this as an early access.

You don't have to pay twice or by chapter. Just wait until it's available for $10.

No one forces you to buy it now. Other players are paying this price to play early. The regular price is $10 and it will be available at that price on Wednesday, August 7.

(2 edits)

No. Check release dates for other prices in this post:

  • $20 (Level 5 Agent): Thursday, August 1
  • $15 (Level 4 Agent): Saturday, August 3
  • $10 (Level 3 Agent): Wednesday, August 7
  • $5 (Level 2 Agent): Monday, August 12

You'll be able to download the new update on August 7 if you purchased it for $10. Or if you like to play it earlier you can pay extra and download right now.

Consider this as an early access extra fee. Normal price is $10.

Yes. on August 7.

Українська буде додана в майбутньому. Найімовірніше у стім релізі.

Changed links to another file sharing. Try now.

Unfortunately no. Still working. Next month.

No. I'll let everyone know the release date when I finish. Join my discord or follow me on patreon(free). 

(1 edit)

Soon. I almost finished it. Approximately 1-2 hours depending on paths, some previous decisions and your reading pace.

Thank you.
Chapter 2, Part Two is the latest update available. Just buy it here or on patreon and download it as a separate game. It includes the previous chapter and will show your saves.

Thank you.

You actually have a choice at the very beginning when MC can start acting a bit homophobic even. So you basically have three options: into trans, don't care about it, hate it. It might not be too obvious tho. Just choose to run away when you first see Daisy. But later after one event with Daisy he kind of changes his mind. It's all about developing Daisy's character and adding depth to her while still delivering an important message. Could I have done without it? Sure. But I decided to bring this up for all paths coz I believe it's important. But you won't get much content or dialogues about this topic unless there is Daisy involved somehow. And unless you are on her path, there's almost no content with her whatsoever. 

But I'm not trying to make excuses here:) Just saying that you have options and you form your own kinks. Can even be homophobic if you want to.

What's wrong with it? I did not mean to be racist and I double-checked if it was written correctly.

I guess you're talking about this line "Well, ancient Egyptians belonged to an intermediate race, which combined features of europeoids as well as negroids. So partially she’s right." I checked this fact online. It's not something I come up with. So I'm not sure what's wrong here.

Approximately 6-9 chapters. 3 chapters per book. I plan to release the first book on steam when I finish 3rd chapter. But the second book might be bigger and have more chapters. Hard to say right now.

Soon. Will do my best to release it at the end of this, or next month.


You don't need to backup saves. My saves remain intact even if you uninstall the game. As long as you have manual saves they will remain.

Licensing issues. The music provider changed their terms and now I can't use their music.

Thank you.

It depends. I'm trying to keep a balance here. Keeping a more real approach to the characters, their relationships and lewd scenes. But it's not always possible, to be honest. But you won't see characters treating each other as shit, that's for sure. Octavia's femdom side is a different story, but even here you will notice some changes and progress along the game.

In short, there's a place for different dom stuff both male and female. But most of the time their dynamics will be healthy.

I appreciate your desire to help, guys. I'll work on a comminuty-translating solution sometime in the future. Maybe closer to steam release. So stay tuned. Maybe join my discord server. I'll let everybody know when I have something.

Yes. And all the ones after that.

I might translate it into the most popular languages when it'll be finished. For now, it's only English. I don't want to use machine translation, and good translators are pricey.

Yes, mega is the only download server I have. 

Try again, I raised my personal transfer quota for users downloading my files.

(1 edit)

Each update is a complete version of the game. Meaning, you don't need previous version to play it. It includes all of them. Just download the latest archive, unzip it and play. Don't extract into the same folder, There may be some conflicts and issues.