ok wtf there were only 5 at the table and when i put 5 back it didnt end the game, what the actual fuck
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the house design and her ability to just appear wherever and walk through doors kinda makes it feel bullshit when she kills you, when im in a closed off room and i have to wait for her to move to get around her but then its a red light it just feels like the game is cheating, not that its just difficult but just poorly thought out, maybe just have it so no room has only 1 door in or out, other than that is a fairly neat game, who ever is the va for the girl has a nice voice. also you slide down the stares so when you cant move and shes at the bottom and you slowly slide towards her and she kills you its also bullshit :)
game is great so far but there is a bug for me, i am in exploration mode but i keep getting the boredom ending after having sex with any of the aliens, the bar at the bottom will go down and fail the game so i just cant play in that mode and sex the aliens
also if you shoot the big wolf guy so he lunges at you and does the sex if you are on the elevator and raise him up he will walk on the upper platform and get stuck. leaving and coming back seems to fix it though
i love the hug scene with the big ol wolf and it makes me sad that you have to shoot him multiple times to do the sex
first of all i just have to say its insane how much content is in this game, and not in a bad way. I have never seen a hentai game with this much depth and content, most are either just really drawn out or really short but this one feels like an actual game/ visual novel. i look forward to seeing more.
as far as questions so far i just dont know where the prosthetic arm is because i have unlocked the store but the arm still isnt there so i dont know if its not yet implemented or if i just havent gotten far enough yet.
Great game so far, as much as i hate hurting the cute bun boy. also i filled out the google form but forgot to add that it would be nice to have a special image or animation when you pet his ears since that would just be extra cute. anyway looking forward to more games from you, love the art, love the bun boys, and love the concept, keep up the good work <3
am i doing something wrong or is there legit no way to escape a sex scene and getting caught is just an insta kill no matter what? also make a load save thing in the in game menu its annoying to have to go back to the main menu, i get this is retro but maybe we can skip the stuff that makes retro games terrible
i'd like to like this game but it just seems like the only fun part is dying to the enemies, the enemies constantly bug out and will just look in one direction which makes some of the tasks impossible, there needs to be some sort of way to escape the monsters or a life system so there is actually a reason to not exit and load from save as soon as a monster gets you
i like it, but the final boss is bullshit, if she didnt do the disappear thing it would be great, still a challenge too, but i can hit every one back at high speed and she will take 0 damage cause she just poofs every time, my suggestion would be just to make the super fast knock back do damage no matter what, so she cant just poof away from any attack, also the amount of time you cant block after getting hit is so long that i can get hit over 5 times because i cant block
what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul