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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Depends on region I guess. In Russia we call it Chinese New Year and nobody puts anything racist in it. We don't celebrate it here, like, a REAL HOLYDAY, but it kinda popular for several years already and we have like, street decorations, some shows, markets, etc. As far as I understand, the devs are russians, so don't put this label, it's just generic to us.

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Получил софтлок во вторник после занятия. В среду получил смс от Наоми-сан (кстати, почему не сенсей?), что пойдём гулять и всё. Дни могу сменять, ничего не происходит.

Ещё немного странно, что вопросы про Америку, а Наоми говорит, что это про Англию.

Немного напрягают постоянные звуки после любой реплики - достаточно их делать 1-2 раза на всю цепочку диалога, когда прям сильно меняются эмоции, как в других ВН-ках, где есть подобные звуки.

Анимации топ, мини-игры норм, правда то, что в кафе игра это 2048 - не сразу допёр, мышкой пытался сложить два пирожных перетаскиванием и не понимал что за результат выходит.

В любом случае, для беты прям очень хорошо. Хотя я, так понимаю, в Стиме более новая версия?

И, пацаны, я всё понимаю, но хотя бы в русской локали, можно было не называть девушку Мишей?))

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Very good game! The car upgrades feel great, there's a challenge, but nothing to difficult. No bugs, and the music is pleasant. I enjoyed playing it! The only thing is, it would be great to see a scene with the girl from the auto shop.

Can you make a build for Mac? Pls pls pls pls :|

я бы рекомендовал всё-таки делать визуальные новеллы на renpy (это супер просто). подгрузка фонов и персонажей прямо во время игры немного сбивает.

но оч прикольно, прошёл с удовольствием! спасибо! делай ещё!

For some reason, at some point, the history rewind stops working both forward (using Ctrl) and backward (with the mouse wheel). Something breaks in Ren'Py. Aside from that, great work! Best of luck with further development!

don't think so

Давай тебе с английской локализацией помогу, напиши в телегу mr_ozio, если интересно.

Well, Eternum sometimes is very funny. But yeah, not even close to the comedy in this one.

My Bully is My Lover?

есть неофициальная русскоязычная локализация на island-of-pleasure точка site, поищи там

0.6 is available on the main page of the game. also, you don't need 0.6 to play 0.7 (if you have 0.7).

Brooo, it would be so cool to have a Lin figure

itch doesn't allow to upload files that large, so many developers are forced to use external services

и скриншот бы не помешал


Hey! Is it possible to understand how many Android events I already passed? Some variables maybe?


Need more Darci in my life

Playing LustHarem and suddenly

Hey! I can't continue the main quest called "Experiment... failed?". It asking me to have 4 level relationship with Tali and be in her shop in the morning, but I already got 5th and nothing is happening when I'm there.

Spoilers as well.

I remember a several points:

  • Nia definitely doing much illegal stuff and MC knows it;
  • Android pointing illegal gun at people;
  • Jin who taking drugs;
  • Hana is runaway elf;
  • Hiding other runaway elfes;
  • Ashley blackmailing people.

Hey, Runey! I just got the event with Ascendants/police drugs raid to the hotel and Sylivia was watching TV. I already have Sanctuary, but it's empty yet. So this event shouldn't have happened.


Click on "Download Now", then on link "No thanks, just take me to the downloads"

Hey, I did catch the bug.

And here is the save file:

You're not the only one. She is amazing. I still can't forgive Felicity for bullying her because of it.

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Mate, I played this game for more than 50 hours and I still didn't finished it. I can guarantee that there is no miners inside (actually, how the hell you think crypto miners should be that large? It uses your GPU, not HDD), it's all pure content with very heart-warming and beautiful stories inside.

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Interesting concept. You have a strong foundation to make a good full-fledged walking simulator. Keep going!

It called HoneySelect.

It's actually a game itself, but nobody playing it. Usually it using for image generation for vn's or comics as it contains a proper editor. You could find a version packed with modes and assets here, also a huge community where you could find any answer is here. The engine for making visual novels is RenPy.

I wish you to be the next top-notch artist on Itch and will be happy to test and play your games :)

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"I came for the lewds but stayed for the story." 
— Itch Classics

Hey! I started playing the game from the beginning, because I forgot many things, since I started my current save several years ago, so I mention, that Ashley have had a good memories about Ms. Ren, so, maybe that would be a good idea for Ashley to try to find and rescue her?

Потому что выставлен тег Adult?)

В предыдущей версии  0.5.1 в настройках можно было поставить русский, но в 0.5.3 его, кажется, автор выпилил.

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As far as I remember, you have to talk to computer guy at evening. 

Hey! Just finished 0.4. You're doing amazing job!

This game is like AAA in all the genre. Story, dialogues, humor, CGs, sex scenes, music. Everything is on top notch level, so well combined and so well balanced! I'm more than impressed.

Nothing but love <3

P. S. Nikolay is my waifu.

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where to find the third Delilah question? :|

into mistress milfs


I have no words to express how beautiful and heartbreaking Episode 5 is. It plunged a knife into my heart and turned it 360 several times. Thank you.