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I never expected this comment, but I appreciate it. The mystery shall remain unsolved, but it was my first attempt at making a spooky visual novel. I had an idea and afterwards, I didn't like it. I agree it could've been better, but I thought I shouldn't fix it because I didn't like it. Thank you for your comment. I never expected it, but I am glad you did.
The game involves the paddle hitting the ball while avoiding obstacles. By hitting the ball, the score will increase until it reaches 20.
Why I am recommending it: It is really fun to play and it is pretty unique. It deserves some plays and feedback. It also pretty challenging which is good. And I like PONG.
About: Your goal is to kill the white Entity. Reasons are unclear, but you are willing to do whatever it takes to kill the Entity. You could either die from trying or succeed in your determination.
I made this game as a demo. It's not full yet, but I really want people to review it. Maybe get a bit popular. I don't know. It's not good anyway. I also thank you guys for trying to support me. I really glad to that you can view my game, even though it's short and might be boring.
You are Jon Sike. You are supposed to investigate the scene, but then something happened..............