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A member registered Feb 07, 2020

Recent community posts

Hey~Ryen, Im doing hide and seek with Rena and Rina. Any clue to finish this event?? Its hard to find last person in this event....

How to increase morale to our horde???

Im a new player in this game

Njeeerrr org mana lu cuk

Once again thanks for your reply

Now I'm making "Experimental Gun" with Akai. For last step she need 3 Red Flower Crystal & 3 Katryx Ore......

Where can i find a Red Flower Crystal???

Thanks for your reply. Now im stuck with thief guild quest and new blade for tsubaki. For thief guild I'm already use all my teleport stone to thief guild and i can't go back there again. And for tsubaki new blade i dont know where to find a mithril

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic HELP!!

I just reunited Dea and Mai,now both of them standing in my room with the yellow tiger"I just forget her name :p"

Question : How to continue Dea & Mai event? When i talk to them,they just answer without giving me a hint.......