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A member registered Feb 17, 2023

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[I've always wanted the player to be able to imagine the voice for each girl, and I don't want to take away that connection between you and the girls]  this...this right here is why i always turn off voicing wherever i can. thank you for understanding, stawer.  i feel bad for all the work developers put into voicing, but i've just never wanted it.

wow....i just finished 0.8, and the story is amazing!  i can tell the story is good when the nudity becomes secondary. thank you, caribdis.  i will patiently await the next update.

thank you for the recent is nice to be able to play more of the game. i remember liking it a lot.  i have to play through again to refresh my memory. :)

first time playing this game and i have to say i like where the story's going so far. there are some very nice looking animations, too. keep it coming. please. :)

i gotta say, those tulip lines about the invisible girl suit are funny. thanks for the laugh. :)

i am ready. i just pre-ordered.  i loved bare witness, so i can't wait to see what you guys have in store with this.

i love this game...played through it yesterday...lady steel for the win! :)  keep up the good work jdor!

in my experience, that happens a lot with the ones labeled market. i'm not only talking about this game when i say that.

i just discovered this game, and i love it!  loki cracks me up!  my firsr playthrough was all about jessie.  i'm gonna go through again and make some other choices.

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i also scanned it with malwarebytes, and nothing came up, so it might be a false positive.  thanks for the reply. 

hello there i just scanned the royal switch 0.12 archive in windows and got this.  any idea why?

everything seems to be fine with it, there have been no indications otherwise.

good to know. thank you.

ok then...i think i'll just take my chances and download it then.   i appreciate your help with this matter.   thank you.

nice!  i'll look forward to those new achievements then, im sure it will take some time for me to get through the existing ones, though. :)

yeah...i did click the download button to see if the warning came up still, and it does. it's weird that everyone else seems to be able to download it just fine.  just for the record, do you have this posted anywhere else that i could download it from?

hey there cap...speaking for myself, i can say that i'm really not too concerned about animations, i've enjoyed the game as it is.  i own the game here on itch, but i decided to pick it up on steam too...i want to see this game succeed. i popped into the discord too, so you may or may not see me making some silly posts there now and then.  :)  oh..and the number of achievements available in the steam version is quite impressive. didn't expect so many.

so i'm guessing it's safe to assume that you never heard anything back from itch support?

for the record, i just downloaded the update, and didn't have any problems.  mega is more of an aggravation for me due to the restrictions.

thank you.  i appreciate you clearing that up for me. just a little clarification here please.  the last file i downladed was labelled kate season 2.  now when i search for kate season 2, fresh story 2 comes up. are they the same?

yay...more adventures with denise and macy!  :)

ok...thanks for that.   i guess we'll just wait and see what happens.  hopefully itch will have something helpful to add.

nope i use brave as my main browser, but i use edge on itch because it seems to work better.

i'm glad to know that summer scent is getting a steam release.  you had me worried when you said it didn't look like you were going to get enough wishlists. congrats btw. :)

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just an fyi...i just tried it with a different browser and with my VPN off, and still got the same quarantine pop up when i tried to download.  i've been saving the last couple of updates of a father's sins so i can play for a while when i go back to it. i really like the story...i tend to be a sucker for stories with a supernatural plot, and i guess, latex clad nuns with guns.  :) 

you're welcome...i thought it might be my vpn as well, but i do quite a bit of downloading from here, and it has only happened with one other page.  i am in the USA.  i hope you're able to figure out what's going on, as i do enjoy your game quite a bit. i have a question. is a father's sins completed yet? not going to hell, but the regular version.

(1 edit)'s what i see when i click to download the pc version of a father's sins going to hell full version.  not sure what's happening. 

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why does it say that your page for a father's sins gth is quarantined on itch? i get a warning when i attempt to download. i'm talking about the full version.

when i saw happy thanksfiving in the title, i thought you might be trying to make a joke...or is it just a typo? either way, thanks  for saying it. :)

no problem. thanks for the reply.

hey there...i purchased the chapter 9 special edition (windows) version of the game.  i'm trying to extract the archive, but i'm getting prompted for a password?

just saw the trailer....very good for a first attempt, that's for sure! i was not expecting that beginning at all. woke me up right quick.  i think i'm ready to see where the rest of the story goes. <wiping sweat from forehead> phew! :)

finally!  i have so been waiting for this. thank you runey!

well,  i guess it's working. this is where i found out about the game, and i ended up joining your patreon,  patiently waiting for the game to be finished and the updated version.

it's cool...i don't know of anybody's first effort at anything that came out to be a masterpiece. :)  i enjoyed christmas eve and started new years daye.  keep up the good work, i'll be looking forward to it.

thank you for your swift attention to the matter.  i loved siren song, and it made me want to sample more of your work.  i grabbed new years daye too. :)

hello.. i just paid 10 dollars for christmas eve, and it says i should be able to download the 1.0.0 final version but the mega link supplied leads to version 4.1?  i'm a little confused.

if i may ask, for curiousity's sake, why are you not releasing the updated version on itch?