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A member registered Dec 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

heyyy my idea was in the game that's Epik

More people need to see this game.

You should add music. Music makes that adrenaline rush to make you win.

Make a sequel called Saving the cat or something.

okay can people stop posting on this I solved this issue a year ago

maybe you have a low end pc  i have a high end pc andi can downlaod stuff fine now

ok i just needed to get a gaming computer friday night funkin is downloaded for me now

i have this problem too

please help

i have this problem to but its for the zip files whenever i download the zip files it stays in my files for a second than deletes itself

Views: 20 and still nobody decides to help

People view this but decide to not respond please i wanna play this game

i cant download friday night funkin due to both of the files deleting itself im on windows can anybody help