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A member registered Oct 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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As stated in the first tutorial box, the second slider represents how happy your boss is at you. In order to bring it up, press the paper where it says work while he is watching. He gets more happy at you when he sees you work


How exactly do i see how much money i have?

Hi! Thank you for playing!

The reason for the horror tag was that it has jumpscares

Yeah, i know its not particularly scary. Im acually adding some bonus content probably within like 2 days


This is using 70% of my rtx 3060 ti

Are you allowed to make music, art and stuff like that before the jam starts?

Same for me

Use Input.GetAxisRaw. Contact me on Discord, i can help you there. Username: MrDevToilet #1083

This game feals kind of "Unpolished".  You can see the void on some devices and the controlls does not feal so great The players seam kind of lifeless and the UI whit the text "Just do it" seems to be in the wrong place on some devices.  Some sounds are also glitched. Whit a bit of fixing i think that this game can feel and look so mush better. I give it a 1/5 stars bc of the controls and glitches(If this problems was not there i would give it 3/5 starts. Also i like the caracters jumping on the sides.

I mean, one of the rules whas that you had to make a game whit less than 1 minute of gameplay. I got it up to 1 minute and 43 seconds.