Getting back at you, it worked wonders, so far is running smooth and good. Thanks you again for the support and time
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Completely impossible. Picking apart the apk it seems it lacks the arm64-v8a libraries (x64) and only has armeabi-v7a (x32) ones. When compiling it I think there's a box to make it 64 bits compatible, else it takes the base 32 bits which can still be run by most devices to be fair, but newer ones are dropping 32 bits support. You can also make an universal apk, which is a heavier apk but also compatible with every device
Hi, any chance you can compile it to be x64 compatible? As far as I know, Unity gives you the chance to do it automatically and it'll be a win for people like me using a newer phone that has dropped support for older apks. I ask because to my understanding it isn't a big deal, just checking a box while doing the compiling but I could be wrong