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Mr Fishess

A member registered Feb 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Maybe someday :)

Thank you so much! Should be fixed in the next update!

Thank you! Turns out this is a bug haha, I'll be fixing it shortly!

mortem :D


For some characters, sleeping with them in a different order unlocks more story afterwards.

Their routes are very cut and dry but things change based off of the order you sleep around!

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He's a random occurance in the woods :D

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Fixed it!:D

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My best suggestion is try different orders and see what happens :D

thank you both! I'll get on to figuring out how to fix it :D

In jaks route the sex scene is dependant on your body!

Thank you so much for your input! If you re-update your game, it should be all fixed, sorry about that! Totally was a bug haha.


Thank you for the kind words and im glad you liked it! We have more plans for the future tehee!

Planning on it!

Im glad to hear you thought it was funny, hes always out here doing stupid shit and I love it haha

Yes it is, glad you enjoyed it! Tpof is an awesome game with an awesome creator!

I love this comment but when the email I recieved was like "I want a refund. Cant..." I lowkey almost had a heart attack haha! Glad to hear you love it and Jak! 🤗


Hey Heart! Your words mean a ton and we really appreciate how much you enjoyed the Demo! If you send me a dm on tumblr im sure we can gift you a copy! 🥰

Hey glad to hear you like it! <3

Glad you enjoyed it!!! <3

Weird! I know you can return from options or press esc but ill write it down!

Tysm! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

Thank you for your list! Some of them are intentional while others aren't and we should get them cleaned up

Sorry! I will admit im more of an artist than a writer haha!

Just kidding, yes we are prepping it haha! (Found out how easy it was)

Awkward! We fixed it tysm for posting!

Most likely!

Probably not! But we might consider it for the future.

Not sure yet, I think we're going to let that be a community thing!

Strange, i'll check through!

Not yet but sometime! Im not sure if we'll make one or instead have fans make it!



Bottoming! Sorry if that isn't what you're looking for... but if it is then you're in luck!

Sorry to hear that!

Sadly! This game is regrettibly about wooing them!