wheather it helps you or not once you pay for a game you shouldnt have to pay for access to the new update
Recent community posts
should have read the comments before hand like the others i thought id be able to view cusomters and interact with the slimes but like the other guy said its more like a card game and your thrown to the random draw of somtimes identical "cards" trapping you in a loop of not getting the potion you need like the others i kinda feel cheated outa my money for how little "game play" their is even the shop feels cheap after an hour you can have everything. if this game hade a little more interactivity it'd be worth it even if its just getting to have a free play mode to interact with em or an endless mode with no penalty or money or some sort of end game and a tweak to the random potions you recieve it would be an 8 dollar game easy.
Im not sure if its a bug or feature meant to add difficulty but when using A and D for escape if done to fast it just does'nt register the keys and acts like im not hitting the keys at all only if i get my timing right does it lines up with the pictures and registers my button presses also the white puddles seem to be unavoidable
i loved the idea and the whole shifting part but this just like your friends game which in my op are almost clones at this point with the whole part revolving around the girls down to the menu and its options and dialoge even the only difference is who and where your doing i think it needs more story its all bait no hook i beat dawn in litteraly a minute or two cause she has like four lines between each encounter and after talking once i just had to come back twice and sex was available i got no satsfaction of earning the prize and im not hateing its well made just a little cloney and bare if you added mabey missions or some story to earn their trust like helping train or do errands for the characters i think itd help seperate it from the others cause the whole aniverse at your finger tips sounds cool and id love to get more into the game agin no hate i liked the base of it all and such just needs somthing unique to it