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A member registered Apr 01, 2018

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Is there any BDSM content in the game, or is it fairly vanilla overall? 

Will there be some bondage content in future updates as well, or no?

It was a fun update! I really did enjoy it, though I was hoping for some slave play stuff for Abbie, where she had to be an actual slave for part of it, but I guess that's why we got Missy! XD. Love the game, and looking forward to more fun bondage content~

I'm excited for this one! I love the game, and I like how you have a lot of fun bondage content~

Will there be more bondage content in the future?

Looking forward to seeing some more bondage content in future updates! Loving what you've got so far. Plus, the slave line should be fun.

Oh damn, I'm excited to see this bit! Gonna be one hell of a kinky plot! 

Will there be any bondage content in the future?

I'm looking forward to seeing some hogties and hopefully some humanoid feet and toes and kinky bondage! XD. Hope all is going well for you, and I look forward to the next update :D

XD I know that feeling all too well. Sometimes, the piece you're missing is right in front of you the entire time. Either way, looking forward to some more kinky fun!

I wonder if you could contact Ahirman (the one who did the Moral Sword of Asagi) to ask if they might be able to give you the answer for it. They tend to answer, even in broken english.

Will there be more like gags, rope, hogties, etc. in the future? Or is just some basic stuff as stated all that'll be found within? 

Is there any bondage in the game?

Ah... that sucks, but still, good job on the mod!

Does this mod offer nudity at all, or is it still in line with the SFW nature of the original game?

Is there any bondage in this game?

Will there be bondage content in the future?

Will there be nudity in this?

Does this have nudity?

You're a saint and a hero. Let no one tell you differently!

It's a great game, and I yeah, I mean, it's one of the classics, and why I adore these types of titles that try to keep that trend alive. More so since the dev who started the brand hasn't released anything in quite awhile. So seeing this type of game pop up is what has me pretty pumped up for the future of his game, and... as someone who enjoys both bondage and feet, it's why I asked the earlier question XD. But yeah, looking forward to seeing updates with this one! Definitely something I see being a need to play for bondage games.

Will there be possible bondage in this game?... of future games? heh. I enjoy your games!

Creator of the game Moral Sword of Asagi. He has bondage and capture battle animations and was the one who really sparked the capture mechanics in most RPGM games lol.

Very fair. It was only a minor thing for me. Either way, I'm always happy to see more bondage games, more so ones that require you to rescue your team after they're defeated. Can it be assumed it'll be similar to Airhman's game? The one where the main characters get captured after being defeated, which prompts the OC's to have to escape their captivity/slavery to continue with their objective?

Thanks for replying! Kinda sucks to hear, but completely understandable. While bondage is fun I imagine it's not very high up on the list of kinks for the game.

I have to ask, is there any bondage content in the game at all? If so awesome! If not, heartbreaking, but overall, good job on the game! 

Will there be some characters with humanoid feet (five toes) in the future?

Take your time! As stated by the others, rushing leads to burnout, and burnout kills progress. God knows I've been there... can't even work on my new novel because of burnout. Keep strong!

Nice! I'm looking forward to it! Will try my best to support and advertise the game so we can see more~

Nice! I'm looking forward to seeing the BDSM content in the future! More so given how the game looks so far. I know I'd buy it via Steam or here if it has a fair bit of bondage and Slave/Master stuff! 

Thanks for the reply! And completely understandable, given how early into the development you still are! Plus... you know, I imagine there isn't a huge demand for BDSM content, and I'm likely just one voice who seeks it XD.

Will there eventually be some more bondage content in this title? Given the story notes provided, it seems like there's a fair bit of potential for some really kinky BDSM content. I know I'm one voice, but would be cool to see in this title given the story. Some slave/master stuff would be cool to see in this as well.

Is there any bondage content in the game by chance? Or has it not yet been added, as I think there was discussion about it some while back XD.

Is there any bondage content of the female lead by chance? Or is that something to come in the future?

Happy to hear you're well! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future regarding this IP. It was a fun game, it would be awesome to see it sold on Steam in the future.

Awesome stuff! I'm only curious if there'll be more bondage content added in the future?

Man... already getting close to being "Legend" status for this H-Game. It'll likely be in everyone's top 5's!

Thanks for the reply; I love your work and enjoy reading through it all. Honestly, there aren't many bondage games out there, and the ones that are out there can be really mixed, but you go that extra mile to make it an enjoyable experience. Which is why I get so excited at the prospect of playing more XD. You give us the good stuff!

So, is it only just up to mission 4?