You can live in piece without screaming at boogie men at talking down at people. But what do I know in eyes of people like you I’m a Russian warmonger who kills poor innocent Ukrainians right? All you do is create labels and then pretend it protect “rights. People like Olivia Hill for me will always be radicalized hypocritical infantile just like people screaming “woke” you are two extremes living in a black and white world and I despise you for it. End of conversation.
Recent community posts
Ok, will be honest here. Claimed community copy a few weeks ago but only recently read through this little pdf. I feel this is the perfect superhero game. Not power fantasy but actually like psychological exercise on how freaking horrible to be one is. Yes it wears on its sleeve the main inspiration “Watchmen” but I’m pretty sure you can play any tragedy with capes in it. The only confusing and critical part for me is Relationships questions. First, they aren’t explained at all. Second, they feel restrictive especially it feels bad for Paragon question to Heir and Detached question to Hardline which forces this pairs to play specific scenario I feel. I might be wrong be free to correct me, but overall big thumbs up from Cape, Cowl and Spandex enjoyer.