Please don't remove the growth animations :(
Is the heart of the game, we need them V:
Hello! Im trying to play the public version on Windows but when I press Start, its not starting :(
I checked the Unity logs and Im getting this, hoping to help to fix the bug
[Authentication]: Token has expired.
Waiting to load progression data.
RequestFailedException: Failed to decode and verify access token.
at Unity.Services.Authentication.AuthenticationServiceInternal.CompleteSignIn (Unity.Services.Authentication.SignInResponse response, System.Boolean enableRefresh) [0x00034] in <80db2e525a984b35a5db27cecb36194c>:0
Rethrow as RequestFailedException: Unknown error completing sign-in.
at Unity.Services.Authentication.AuthenticationServiceInternal.CompleteSignIn (Unity.Services.Authentication.SignInResponse response, System.Boolean enableRefresh) [0x00151] in <80db2e525a984b35a5db27cecb36194c>:0
at Unity.Services.Authentication.AuthenticationServiceInternal.HandleSignInRequestAsync (System.Func`1[TResult] signInRequest, System.Boolean enableRefresh) [0x00142] in <80db2e525a984b35a5db27cecb36194c>:0
at AuthService.LoginAnonymously () [0x000f5] in <a726edc527194c859be358550d39d442>:0
at AuthenticationManager.AnonymousLoginClicked () [0x00091] in <a726edc527194c859be358550d39d442>:0
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__7_0 (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <75633565436c42f0a6426b33f0132ade>:0
at UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () [0x00002] in <008a787f2823430aae87e927a51ccf8d>:0
at UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.Exec () [0x00056] in <008a787f2823430aae87e927a51ccf8d>:0
at UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.ExecuteTasks () [0x00014] in <008a787f2823430aae87e927a51ccf8d>:0
Hi! Good work with the trailer. <3
Maybe I felt like it was a little bit quick beacuse you tried to put a lot of scenes on it to reflect the whole game (except the climax obviously xD)
You can maybe think the main features of the game and put a little text with a quick example in-game.
Like: "Face the creatures of the night" (picture fighting a vampire)
"Or turn yourself into one" (bad ending picture)
"Help Mila to discover the secrets of her past" (picture of a malisphere or some character hidden)
And then fill the rest with effects, pictures and fireworks xD
Also I would like to hear The Apex song in the trailer or maybe the Castle Entrance, that one are the best of the game soundtrack.
Hope the ideas be helpful and again great work n.n
Congratulations for your great work. After 1 month of knowing this project I'm still playing the Chapter 3 and I'm impressed of the incredible number of endings and different paths you can take in this game n.n
I'm pretty sure that the final dungeon will be the perfect climax ;) Keep doing great and I hope you really reach your vision when you finish.