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MRM Farms

A member registered Dec 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Why does it go under the concrete when you unload a truck?

(1 edit)

Yeah your 2wd options aren't loading in so you probably missed some stuff in your xml

Its only when I unload out of the bins

I did redownload everything and I'm in singleplayer and haven't seen anything abnormal in my log

So just tried out the update and I'm still having the same issue

Hey man thanks for The response and fix man i really appreciate it and  love the system.

Im having the same issue

(1 edit)

Holy hell its a release

Why didn't you just use the one out of the def pack???? Use the K.I.S.S. method

You got a facebook

My guy i love these textures 100%, keep up the great work!!

It doesn't look like utter ass anymore, great work

You're welcome  my guy

Cause he's a shithead kid

Unzip the zip file bud and then add the 2 zips inside and it should work

Thank you


I got it to work off of a trailer i converted but thats it


Not to bother you but we cant get it to fill off any triggers