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A member registered Sep 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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heck thanks! <3

Oh I'm gonna have to write this one down

Sitting down


absolutely fantastic work

it's absurd how much you managed to make the optimal solutions feel like something you'd actually see in a AAA game -- had a surprising amount of moments where the "player" went "aha! i see yellow paint on a ledge in the distance, now how do i get there"

i can't download the game! it says "Cannot read property build of undefined"

that is the most adorable sprite in the whole jam :D amazing game! can't find the secret room sadly

ooooooooh love this, super fun and a lot harder than i thought at first

sure, here


i should probably look into putting this somewhere else as well, haven't seen the forums in a while

also this is from a probably outdated version of pico8! a few things might not work properly if you're supporting the more recent ones

i smiled relentlessly :D

ahahah thank you so much!! <3

oh dang thank you so much! This is super encouraging 

I’m glad the cafeteria scene worked out, I’ve had some bugs I couldn’t figure out at the last minute before submissions ended so whether it lands or not can sometimes be a coin toss

Thank you so much!

It started out tinkering with that red grain effect in Unreal, I decided to join the jam to make something out of it. I'm glad it seems to be working well, I had bigger plans for it originally but this was a mandatory crunch-less jam, so I refused to stay up nights to put everything I wanted in. And thanks for the video!

now these are visuals to madly fall in love with, but they're also paired with a super cool experience and one of the best store pages i've seen in a while

Thanks! I might revisit it one day, it's still there in my projects folder

oh this is sweet!

and so was my lemonade, so i added more lemons. then it was too sour so i added more sugar. things spiraled until i was offering gallons for a single drink.
neat! had a great time :D

Thanks! I'm on it already. Kind of, you'll see

Holy cannoli this is SO addicting

I think you stumbled onto the bug I keep worrying about, give the game another try! Sometimes when you start the level the cheeseship doesn't move

"Hey, I bet I could make a cheese sprite out of that lava tile."

Things kinda escalated from there.


Finally a pun I haven't heard before :D thanks!

Nice! Always the master of visual flourishes

Thanks! I wanted to make something silly and see how far I could stretch using those assets, it's been a lot of fun

The cheese moves around the stage and you need to grate it when it's above the plate.

If the cheese isn't moving... that's the bug that has been baffling me for the entire duration of development. I have no idea why, but sometimes that level just breaks – I've never been able to replicate it consistently, but it's extremely rare, it only happened to me twice in two weeks. Restarting the game is the only way, sorry about it.

This is by far the most polished game out of all I've tried so far. Some hiccups with the movement, the way you slide out of the pressure plates if you get the puzzles wrong at first looked like a bug, but it's really great stuff.

Siete italiani? @RedBambooLeaf mi aveva scritto a riguardo ma poi non l'ho più sentito

(for some reason my submission doesn't show up in comments, you can try it at

Thanks! And yes, I am! Sono di Milano, mandami un messaggio che sono curioso (qui o su Twitter @MrMandolino)

I'm so glad the tactical aspect comes through, it's something that requires a lot of tuning and I was worried it wouldn't be noticeable. Gonna try your game later!

This is pretty cool! You have a great eye for style, the art is really well put together

(for some reason my submission doesn't show up in comments, you can try it at

Porca paletta, NICE. The only criticism I can offer is that sometimes the camera freaks out when I respawn and that after you die a bunch it basically turns into Super Meatboy since the circle mechanics disappears. Beside that, best game I've played so far in the Jam. 148 deaths!

(for some reason my submission doesn't show up in comments, you can try it at

Pretty sweet! The game's got a lot of style, there's a bunch of issues with the controls and text boxes bugged out but that's understandable. Needs some refinement and editing but it's interesting!

Nice! Reminded me of spamming the flashlight in Alan Wake, haha, but it's got a real groove to it, it "feels" good to play. If I'm not mistaken the new Blair Witch game also shares this shine the flashlight concept. 

Only thing I'd add is that I died at one point because one of the orbs spawned under the psyche indicator and I had no idea where to look. Beside that, nice execution! Nailed the speed of play, things get really hectic after a while.

Thanks! Yeah, life sorta kicked me in the nuts this week, wish I'd had the time to do art and audio polish