Hey, I'm stuck at developer zone with 140% completion? lmao, I think I bugged the game by using cult robe in the boss fight.
Nevermind, after endless killing, another boss with huge ass HP bar came, thankfully I had 11 Ranged DMG "you don't fit into the sole of my shoe" my ass haha
Recent community posts
made a simple script for AutoHotkey to those who can't use arrow keys like me (down button was broken; I use azerty keyboard) Feel free to change the buttons, however don't use "E", "A", "S", "Q" they are used by the game.
o for Up
l for Down
m for Right
k for Left
n for Quick Restart
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
wasActive := false
Loop {
If WinActive("ahk_exe House.exe") {
wasActive := true
movement := ""
movement .= GetKeyState("o", "P") ? "{Up down}" : "{Up up}"
movement .= GetKeyState("l", "P") ? "{Down down}" : "{Down up}"
movement .= GetKeyState("m", "P") ? "{Right down}" : "{Right up}"
movement .= GetKeyState("k", "P") ? "{Left down}" : "{Left up}"
movement .= GetKeyState("Shift", "P") ? "{Shift down}" : "{Shift up}"
n::{ ; for quick Restart, press N
Sleep 200
Sleep 200
Sleep 200
Sleep 30
} else if (wasActive) {
Send("{Up up}{Down up}{Right up}{Left up}{Shift up}")
wasActive := false
Sleep 30
Compiling it makes it executable EXE which makes things much easier too