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A member registered Oct 02, 2020

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tnx god it a joke

I dont know if you can see but i just bought your game for me and my friend hope to see more of updates in future

intresting game hope it become more popular

Mate if you here looking for quick fap NSFW games are not for you try using adult videos if that dont help buy yourself a dildo and fuk yourself

i have just 2 question 

1.if i buy game here and you posted game on steam should i need to buy it again on steam or you going to update game on both platforms and steam ? long i can play this game is there any ending like in paper pls or is just 1 level that change a lot ?

thank you for answering my question 

isnt this game from 2015 so are you original creator or just fan

i keep asking but no replay can i have code for steam version bc cant play for some reason ITCHIO version 

voice is huge turn off

i buy game here but cant play is there any chance for steam key i have email and all that show i bught the game

no just pic 

i have this game but can t download anymore on is there any way that i can get steam code so i can continue playing this amzing game and yes i have proof that i bought this game

i bought this game i have proof ofc is there any way that i could get key for steam bc is buging for me when i try to instal 

how you mean you can make girl pregnant

sry to say this but they are Aholes

dont understand but ok

what ?

Probalby not bc people dont love this game that is a shame

i buy game here so i need to buy it again on steam or ???

Don't lie 🤥

i thought people who paid for game are going to get dlc for free but that is not the case right ?

I wonder would there be sex scenes for all races in male gender too or

Game is not meant to play on phones mate

It is not

I Watch elmo when i was kid and this game bring me nostalgia about that show, but i am not 2 much hype for this game knowing most game i had high hope end like garbage so i won t hype myself becues i don t whana be disapointed again 

amazing work so far 

is steam same version like on or not

Thank you so much 

so question is this game free or and it is complited or not sry for my english

(1 edit)

are you planing to add more gay sex  scen pls

Whe need more gay sex or trans or anything story is good but i miss that

Just download RPG it not hard i think you have on YouTube how to do it

i know this is adult game but maybe put option for 18+ XD

Agreed you need to play the game to know what is new 

but game is steel relly good 

This game is relly fun to play but i wish ther is more how to put it like this hm... more gay npc or to use bell to make princes to male XD 

But no for real you game is the one of the best hentai RPG game i play i want do donate but i am scared that you won t finish game like most of them so when you complet your game you can coun on me to gate your money and littel extra money for your time making this game 

Bye and have a good day :)