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A member registered Sep 23, 2014 · View creator page →

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What a cool looking game! I really liked the visuals. As you saw, I struggled a bit with the controls but once I figured it out, I thought it was great. I think I was a little too critical in the moment, so I wanted to take a moment to say that I really did enjoy this game. It was a very polished entry in this game jam and something to brag to your friends about. If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game again, visit

This was a brilliant entry. It was one of my favorite games that I tried from this game jam. The game play was very fun and I liked reading all the little stories. For a game that was made in such a short amount of time, you set the bar really high! The level of polish is through the roof. The battle system was great. You have a real talent for making great games. I can't wait to see what you do next. If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game again, visit

I had a hard time understanding how to play this game. I didn't rate it since I felt like I must have been doing something wrong. If you'd like to see me trying to play, please visit

A cute little game about feeding that pet snake everyone has in their restaurant, hahaha! Great job on completing an entry for the game jam. I had fun with it! If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

Once I figured out the controls, I had a lot of fun with this! If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

I used to LOVE virtual pet games! This really brings me back. This was a creative way to incorporate the game jam's theme. I kept my pet happy and alive all day long in a browser tab I had going. There was a lot in this entry for a game that was made in such a short amount of time. I really enjoyed it. If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

I had a lot of fun with this entry. It was a little tricky at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was fun to see what kind of cool trick jumps I could do to collect the hearts. All in all, a very strong entry for this game jam. If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game again, visit

This was a great puzzle game. It utilized the Game Jam theme perfectly. I mentioned this to you already, but I want to reiterate that I felt like the difficulty of the puzzles ramped up perfectly. The game explained itself well. Great job! If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game again, visit

What a creative spin on platformer games! I really liked this entry. The level design was very good. It was just hard enough to make me want to keep trying, but never getting truly frustrated. If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

Congrats on making an entry to this year's Solo Dev Game Jam! I had a lot of fun walking that chicken around. This game was very silly and cracked me up! If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

🤣Couldn't have put it better myself

Fan art!



Cool game! I have a whole lot to say about this game, so bare with me.

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

So, let's talk about Run A B. IT'S AMAZING! If you watch my reaction, I got quite frustrated at level 2. Outside of that, this was a perfect game. The character design, the music, it's even open source, I'm flabbergasted! How you did this in a single weekend in bonkers. You should be very proud of this entry.

Let's talk about level 2. It was too hard for me. The dash + jump + dash + get up to the next ledge combo was intense. I would have liked for that level to be just a little more forgiving. Namely, it sucks when I finally get the jump and end up back at the start, hahaha. After completing the entire game, I was curious if level 2 would feel easier now that I was used to the controls, and it was still just as difficult for me.

Anyway, I love all the little details in this game. The settings menu incorporate the theme. There's apparently a chicken somewhere. It's fun to see the names of the levels after completing it. That's such a nice touch. This game is very inspiring to me. I really, truly enjoyed it, and I'm so glad I was able to beat it.

Cool idea for a game, and congrats on your first ever game jam entry! I liked the sprite designs. It's neat that you made those yourself. I wasn't able to get very far in the game, but what I did see was enjoyable.

I noticed that maximizing the screen didn't resize the game elements. Consider changing your project settings from disabled to viewport -

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit 

This game has potential! I feel like if you had one more day to do some difficulty balancing, this would have been amazing. I liked the idea of the game, it was just too difficult to avoid losing immediately. The concept is good and funny and engaging.

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

What a great game. We chatted a lot of about this on my stream, but I want to reiterate how much I truly enjoyed this game. The artwork is phenomenal. The gameplay was a little tricky at first, which made it feel so rewarding when I won. It even had a boss fight! Great job.

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

It was fun finally getting to play the game you made on your stream. It played well. I like arcade style games a lot. It's funny, I said the difficulty was ramping up too slowly, but as soon as it did I died. So, I mean, I guess it ramped up perfectly, I dunno, making games is hard.

Anyway, thanks for putting together this game jam. I've had a blast with it. Keep being awesome.

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

ps, I like the little animation on this itch page. That's a nice touch.

All I can really say is I WANT MORE! I absolutely adored this game. Whoa, I'm just noticing that the font used in this comment box matches your game's font. That's a nice touch! I didn't even know you could do that.

Anyway, back to the game, I loved loved loved it! Playing notes and little melodies is just fun. The game provided a nice and fair challenge. I like that the levels are short enough that if one fails, it's easy enough to try again.

My only real criticism is the dialog boxes. I would have preferred being able to progress them myself by pressing one of the buttons. They went too fast for me to read and if I died, I had to rewatch all of them. That said, you made this in a single day. I'm certain if you had another day, you'd have addressed this. 

Seriously, this is an absolute gem of a game. You should be very proud of what you accomplished here.

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

What an awesome entry in the game jam! I was able to complete all 27 rounds. It's very polished! I enjoyed it quite a lot. The game's theming was very nice and coherent. 

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit

Woohoo!! I'm glad I kept playing, too.  🧙‍♂️⚔💀


Thank you! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the game. I enjoyed making it!

Aww, thanks! I had a lot of fun drawing these, and I'm quite proud of the frog design 

I appreciate your complementing the decision to add extra lives. I went back and forth a lot on how many hearts the player should start with. I think 6 hit points was not a bad guess. 

Hearing you scream "Frogs away!" on stream cracked me up! Thank you so much for playing it while I could watch your reaction. I learned a lot. Well done, getting the super rare "Super Marriage". Good on ya!

That is good feedback, thank you.

Nicely done!! A lot of people are having a hard time completing the game, so stand proud knowing you're a True Froggy Gamer Master!

Thank you so much for playing my game and your kind words! This game can be pretty tricky to figure out the best strategy to win. When in down, FIRE THE MISSILES!! 🤣

Thank you for posting the video link. It was very instructive. It is clear more instruction was needed in the game itself. The second action button drops the frogs, and the goal is to drop frogs on other frogs.

I really like where this game is headed! Interesting concept for a game. The interpretation of the theme was unique, I really like that. I feel like this has the bones (pun intended) to become a really good and addictive roguelike game. I hope to see more of it one day! If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit

First off, let me just say that the ghost is amazing. That's the real star of the show! This game is super difficult on desktop, but I managed to dodge 10 raindrops before losing. I would recommend allowing for keyboard controls on desktop. In any case, thank you for making a game and submitting it to the jam! If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game,  visit

Very fun Galaga style game! I liked the power ups. I had a lot of fun dodging the bullets and ships. The attention to detail was great for a game that was made in such a short time frame. If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit

Interesting game concept! Your interpretation of the theme was unique. I liked that. However, I'm afraid I got stuck in your game very early into it. I feel like I must be doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what. If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit

 This one is a little too hard for me, but I LOVE the artwork! 🐸 I got stuck pretty early. If the horizontal momentum of the frog was kept when it hit a wall, I bet I could have gotten a lot further. I'm not particularly good at games such as these. If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit

Good job completing the game jam! There is not a whole lot to say about this one, but I am glad you made it and shared it with everyone. If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit

I'll admit it. This game surprised me! Very interesting and creative interpretation of the game jam theme. I like that. I had a lot of fun with the prompts. You made a very cool game in such a short amount of time. Nicely done! If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit

Hey as you saw, I had an absolute blast with your game. It was so crazy fun! I liked getting slowly and slowly more insaneo style with my driving until I was really knocking out the levels, haha. I can't believe you made an ENTIRE game in such a short amount of time. What wild ride. 
If anyone else would like to see my life reaction to playing this game, visit

The music, the gameplay, the cute snake. This game has it all. I really enjoyed myself with this one. I like that it gives different flavor text based on how the snake dies. Very cool concept for a game! If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit