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A member registered Oct 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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[comment from other dev}

this game was made in like 9 hours... 

we probably coulda polished it up more and made it less janky.

But we didn't really do much other then adding post processing and added some lighting in the first level to make the screenshots 

noah how in feks name did you make non Euclidian geometry but not test and see if the final boss actually functioned 

Yea i'm sorry if I sounded a bit aggressive, I did check out some of your other projects and its clear your putting work into them.  I wish you luck with future projects!

yea the second level is a janky mess that we tacked on at the last second mainly because we were experimenting

(1 edit)

lovely game, platforming is just slightly jankey, but the charm more then makes up for it.

I am positive this is a shitpost. (however its entirely possible it isn't and this is just a kid)

First of all its a scratch project; unless you are just starting out with programing concepts, continuing to build skill in scratch past a certain point amounts to jack. It's only really good at teaching programing concepts and fundamentals. Then ya try to learn an actual language. Or find a more powerful block/node biased language like BOLT. 

My second reason to believe this is a shitpoast is the actual game itself. If you just play it you can tell that it wasn't made to be taken seriously. It's a steaming hunk of garbage. The programing is barely functional, the music is a low quality mp3 of coffin dance. The movement of the character is obesely awful. The UI is a broken timer and a box containing the current year. and if you press 9, you enter "cringe mode" I believe it was called.

lastly biased on the vocabulary and the responses of the "developer" carson. It seems that he's intentionally trying to appear like he's a child.  how does someone... who says they don't know what the a theme of a game jam, or the limitation of a game jam, join a game jam in the first place. He just... stumbled upon it and hit buttons? 

Judging by his responses his grammar looks intentionally wrong. Typos, capitalizing random words, using *asterisks* like quotations, not putting a ' in compound words.  

This response clearly shows its a shitpoast:

"i have a game that has over 160 people played so i think im *skilled* :/"

If, this is somehow not ironic, and he actually thinks that this incredibly poor imitation of flappy bird has even a drop of quality. Well... if that's the case then there self confidence is through the roof. 

Still, it's a bad game, with no redeeming quality's, interesting mechanics, original ideas, unique visuals, good programming, and calling it barely functioning is an understatement. 

Although if this really is some kid, that was quite harsh, so ill end it with this. 

Making games is a great thing, and learning fundamentals while you're young, and experimenting with programs is also great. 

But this is a game jam, there are rules, you cant just submit whatever without even reading them. While there are rules, there honestly pretty lax in most cases. There meant more to constrain scope, and give you ideas. 

If you really want to participate in a jam, I would urge you to get some more practice, ether push scratch to its limits, or do what I did starting out and learn BOLT for the unity engine, which allows for simpler programming using a something similar to scratch's block biased programming. and then i moved on to learning the primary language unity uses. maybe try godot as an engine, i've heard great things about it and it's apparently not that hard to learn. 

You can pretty much make whatever you want if your willing to figure out how to do it. 

 For me, this was my first actual game jam, I'm honestly not that skilled. So I made a game that was dead simple, I accomplished this through research, and figuring out how to do things one at a time. Sure it could have been better, but biased on what the people who played it said. I managed to make something kinda fun. 

This game jam was an opportunity to practice, to start and finish a game in a short window of time. That's what it is for a lot of people, including myself. 

so when you submit something like this, something that looks like you barely tried. It's just kinda insulting. 

don't let my words discourage you from making games, instead I urge you to practice, to make something that people enjoy. It's not easy, its really dam confusing, but with the amount of tools and recourses available. pretty much anyone can make a good game if there willing to put the time and effort into it. 

welp, that took half an hour to write. 

Thanks, It means a lot to hear that I made something fun. I'm not sure why we didn't add any form of hit indication, and yea the difficulty curve is rather f***ed. But hey, if someone actually enjoys my first game that's great.

I checked out your game as well, it's sick my dude. I especially applaud your use of the limitation to create such an interesting visual style. 

Not bad, there's a lot of good visual and auditory feedback. the one thing that could be slightly tweak is the attack range, it just feels like you have to get a little to close to the enemy to hit them.

thanks for the feedback! There's certainly a lot that could be improved on with this game. Maybe one day ill remake it better. Level 2 kind of sucks as it was tacked on in the last 30 minutes. We didn't actually test it much. I'm just happy the game is at least playable and we got it submitted quite literally in the nick of time. like 40 seconds left.  

Anyway ill be sure to check out your game as well.

Lovely game, my only complaint is the audio is a bit too "sharp" on the ears.

I renamed the game in the last second but not the data folder. so if the game doesn't launch rename the folder titled power_data to Rikochet_data