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A member registered Jan 19, 2017

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I started this game not really expecting much but I was pleasantly surprised at the tension the game executes so well.  The monster isn't generic and is very unique compared to other horror games I've played in the past.  Not only that, the game has a mystery vibe to it which is what got me hooked from the beginning. If you're a fan of point-and-click games and love horror, I recommend you play the game for yourself.  

If you want to see my playthrough of the game, watch my video below! Game starts at 7:42: 

Here's the link to my channel, if you want to see more from me:

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This game is such an interesting short game. I love how as you play that the characters drop subtle hints about what's going on. Of course, things are left open ended. These are the type of endings I like bc it leaves things open to interpretation.  I honestly recommend this game if you're a fan of pixel art side-scrolling games.  

Here's my playthrough of the game if you're interested! I play the game at the start of the video:

If you like what I saw, here's a link to my YouTube channel to watch more from me :

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This was the first game I played based on Siren Head and I loved it. It was a short but sweet horror game which is something I loved but I do wish the game was a bit longer.  The controls were good and smooth and I experienced no bugs.  You should try out the game for yourself.  If you're interested in the game, watch my playthrough by going to the link below: 

If you liked what you saw, check out my other horror game videos by visiting my channel:

This game was fun to play but I found myself getting confused at the story and getting lost trying to find my way around.  That's probably due to my own stupidity haha.  New Message is based on the third episode of Season 3 of Black Mirror.  Basically, you get a man's phone and are told to do very despicable things.  Things get stranger and more brutal as you progress.  My only complaint would have to be some of the weird supernatural stuff in a game based on an otherwise very-grounded-in-reality episode.  The supernaturally weird stuff was interesting though.  If you want a game that reminds you of Black Mirror, I would give this game a try!

Also, I did a playthrough of the game on my YouTube channel! If you want, you can watch it by clicking the video below! The game starts at 7:29 if you want to skip to it.  

If you liked what you saw and want to see more, you can check out my YouTube channel by clicking the link below!

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Hey everyone,

Dim is a really great free horror game! I loved the atmosphere and how uneasy it made me feel.  The style of the game is really interesting with the low rez, pixelated look.  It reminds of the old games I played on my dad's old computer.  Not only does the style of the game make me nostalgic but it also helped sell the atmosphere.  My only complaint is that it was too short and left me wanting more.  I say this as a compliment.  The game was so good that I wanted more of it. I can't wait to see the final game and what else the dev has in store for us.  If you are interested in the game, be sure to give it a try!

Also, check out my playthrough of the game below:  

It's the first game I played in this video.  The game I refer to being the "worst horror game I ever played" in the title is a different game I play at 7:30. 

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If you liked what you saw and want more, check out my channel by clicking the link below: 

As a fan of point and click games, I really enjoyed playing The Librarian.  The mystery is the game's strength.  Wanting to find what the heck was going is what kept me engaged throughout my playthrough.  I love how some gameplay elements from this game carried over to Mr. Navarro's Midnight Scenes games.  Overall, this game was great and I highly recommend you play it if you are a fan of the Midnight Scenes games.  I give The Librarian a double thumbs up! 

If you want, you can watch my playthrough right here: 

If you liked what you saw here, check out my channel by clicking on the link: 

I enjoyed this game a lot more than the first one! The story was way better and more engaging than the first game's story.  Also, the interface is way more polished in this one and the graphics are a lot better.  If you haven't played this game, I highly recommend you download the game now and play it.  It'll be worth your time.  I honestly am looking forward to the next release by Octavi Navarro!

If you want, you can watch my playthrough of the game down below:

Also, if you liked what you saw here, you can check out my channel by clicking the link below:

This game was really good! I enjoyed the simple puzzles the game offered and I also appreciated the eerie atmosphere throughout the play through. I was constantly asking "what happened?" and "what's going on?" Not many mainstream games  in this specific genre do that for me and it was nice seeing a game from an indie dev accomplish this.  If you are having doubts about playing this game, I'm telling you that you don't have to worry about it. I recommend you play this game.  It'll be worth it!

If you would like, you can check out my playthrough of the game down below:

Also, if you liked what you saw, you can check the other videos I uploaded on my channel by clicking the link below:

No problem! Looking forward to your next title

I loved playing this game. It had a great soundtrack and a very beautiful art style.  The story was confusing but that's what made it captivating.  As I played, I just wanted to find out what was going on more and more.  This is one of my favorites from the developer. If you haven't played it yet or haven't checked out any more of Andrea's games, then I suggest you play this game and try out his other stuff.  

If you want, you can watch my playthrough of the game below:

If you liked what you saw, be sure to check out my channel by clicking the link and subscribing if you want to see more 

I've only played like the first 40 minutes of the game and I'm liking it so far. I like anime and visual novels so that adds to the love I have for the game.  However, the main reason why I played the game was because of all the crazy stuff  I heard about it on the internet.  From what I heard, the game at some point takes a sudden turn and things get really weird and uncomfortable.  I didn't get that far into the game but the anticipation of it was what kept me going and wanting to play it longer and longer.  

Here's the first episode of my playthrough here:

If you want to follow this series and experience the weirdness with me, check out my channel and be sure to subscribe if you want to keep up with this series as well as my other content

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This game was amazing.  The visuals and the soundtrack made the game feel unique. It also made you feel invited but at the same time put off by what was going on.  At the same time, you couldn't help but to feel suspicious about what was going on.  After you play it, you have the sense of longing and a desire to see if you can get a different outcome if you made different choices.  I went back and got two of the four ending.  If you want to know what I'm talking about, play the game for yourself.  I promise you it will be worth your time. 

If you want, watch my playthrough of the game below and SUBSCRIBE if you wanna see more from me:

If you liked what you saw, check out my channel by clicking on the link below: 

Yeah no problem Dan Sanderson! I'm looking forward to playing the new game.  I'll keep an eye out for it.  Thanks! I need all the luck I can get haha

Hey! No worries haha.  Yeah no problem! I really did enjoy it.  Looking forward to playing more games by you

This game was so freaky.  The ambience. The suspense. The atmosphere. The creepy audio. Everything contributed to make this game a wonderful, horror experience.  Pacific is creepier than some other pixelated horror games I played but it's not the best.  However, I did enjoy it.  The atmosphere was great and made me freak out during my entire playthrough.  You can see it in the video below.  Just fast forward to 5:58. I recommend you play the game for yourself.  It's easy! All you have to do is hit that download button up top. Only play if you're brave enough haha.

If you want, you can check out my playthrough of the game by clicking the link down below.  It's a double feature so fast forward to 5:58 to watch the Pacific playthrough.

If you liked what you saw, be sure to check out my channel by clicking the link below and subscribe if you wanna see more from me.

(1 edit)

This game is another clone of PT like Continuous and ContinuousLY but it's different, and in a way, better.  The game built up in suspense throughout and did not rely so heavily on jumpscares. Instead, it used the atmosphere to build up a feeling of suspense and fear.  It's clever because we've become so used to jumpscares that we expect to see it in very single horror game.  The developers knew this and decided to use those expectations against us to create a perfect atmosphere full of suspense and thrills.  I highly recommend you play it for yourself.  It's as easy as hitting that download button up top.  

If you want, you can check out the playthrough I did of the game by clicking the link down below:

If you liked what you saw, be sure to check out my channel by clicking the link below and be sure to subscribe if you want to see more from me:

I really enjoyed this game.  It was short, simple, and very scary. I wish it was longer though and had different stages, but other than that, it was really fun and really good. The game was very atmospheric which added to the spookiness of the game. If you haven't already, be sure to try the game out for yourself. It's a must play.

If you want, you can watch the playthrough I did of the game below:

If you liked what you saw and want to see more, be sure to go to my channel and subscribe by clicking the link below:

This game is such a wonderful short and atmospheric game. It's a memorable experience despite how short it is. However, I'm wondering if the game was trying to tell a story though. If it was, it's not very clear but maybe the dev wanted the game to be open to interpretation.  I recommend you play the game yourself if you want to know what I'm talking about.

If you want, you can check out my playthrough of the game by clicking on the video below:

If you liked what you saw here, be sure to check out my channel by clicking the link below: 

First, before I write this review, I just want to apologize in advance to those who will watch my video. I realized I did not take the subject matter as seriously as I should've and I want to let you know how sorry I am. I will make sure to be more serious when I play games like this. 

This game is pretty good. I like how the game puts you in the shoes of someone who is suffering from CFS, It helps the player get a glimpse of how someone suffering with CFS goes about their day. It's a clever and creative way to use video games to raise awareness and to put things in perspective. There should really be more games like this. If you wanna know what I'm referring to, I suggest you play the game yourself. 

If you want, you can watch my playthrough of the game below:

If you liked what you saw, check out my channel by clicking the link below:

I know I write here a lot but I can't get enough of this game. It's absolutely great. The road the game is going down is somewhat cliched but I can easily forgive it due to the fact that I can relate to the characters and the story. To me, when the player can relate to the characters in a game, it breaks the wall between the game and the players which makes the experience seem less like a playing video game and more like a reading story or famous novel. It's funny because this game is considered a visual novel haha. Like I said before, if you're interested in the game, make sure to give it a try.

If you want, you can check out part 3 of my playthrough below:

This game only gets better as you progress. I love how easy it is to relate to the characters in the game. Well at least it is for me because I've had similar experiences in the past. I usually find games more enjoyable if you can relate to the characters you're playing as or interacting with in game. I really recommend you play it for yourself

Here's the second part to my playthrough if you wanna know what I mean:

I knew I would love this game from the moment I booted up the game. As a fan of anime, the anime girl, Ceri, at the main menu made me want to start playing immediately. The game does an excellent job to make you start caring for the characters. I've never played a game that made you so invested so quickly. Also, the subject of the game and the circumstances are very easy to relate with. It's as if you're going through each scenario yourself. I can go on for hours expressing my love for the game but I would probably bore you guys to death. I recommend you play the game for yourself. It's really good! Also, if you want, you can watch my playthrough of the game below:

If you liked what you saw, be sure to check out my channel by clicking the link below:

I finally finished this demo and I'll have to say it was really good. I liked how the stealth mechanic was introduced. It was clever how the game required the player to use it immediately so they would know when to use it later on in the game. The cliffhanger ending was brilliantly well done and also teased another playable character. From what I've read in this comments section, the next version of the demo will feature another playable character and another part of the story which I am super excited to see. I'm a huge fan of interconnecting and branching story lines mostly because it's interesting how those stories and the characters associated with them connect with each other. Anyways, I can't wait to see what else this game has in store for us. If you haven't already, play the game for yourself. It's super good! Also, if you want, you can check out my playthrough of the game below:

If you liked what you saw, you can check out my channel by clicking the link below:

Chapter 2 was the perfect follow up to the fantastic first chapter of Bendy and the Ink Machine. I liked how there was more action this time around. The spook levels were higher as well. Also, I found it interesting how there's no run and hide mechanic for when you encounter enemies but instead you have to fight back. Honestly, I prefer horror games that require you to run and hide when you encounter enemies but Bendy has its own interesting twist on it so I'll let it slide. I won't spoil it but I like how the game introduced some new characters and expanded on what was going in the game. Overall, I recommend you play the game for yourself. It's a very unique horror game and I can't wait to play the third chapter. If you want, you can checkout my playthrough of the game below:

If you liked what you saw, check out my channel by clicking on the link below:

I absolutely loved this game. I'm a huge fan of rpg maker games and zombie games so to find a game that's a combination of the two was a dream come true. I really liked how the game was atmospheric from the start. The mystery and the anticipation of a zombie encounter is probably what got me feeling creeped out. The music really helped me get immersed into the atmosphere of the game as well. However, I do have a few complaints about the game. For one, I didn't like how slow the text can go by in the beginning, and the intro credits at the start was kinda annoying but i see now that they were going for a cinematic feel. Secondly, I would have liked there to be a save feature in the game. There was probably a save point somewhere in the game but the game wasn't clear about it or I didn't reach that point in the game. Besides these few problems, I really found the game to be spectacular. I can't wait for the new update and for the full game to come out. I highly recommend you try this game for yourself.

If you want, you can check out the playthrough I did of the game below:

If you liked what you saw, be sure to check out my channel by clicking on the link below:

Thanks! Yeah dude it's a pretty cool name

This game was pretty alright. I liked how the mystery of the whole game kept me wanting to play until the end. There were moments when I did feel a bit creeped out but it's for lame reasons haha. The length was good considering how there wasn't much for the game to move forward. However, I was disappointed with how the game ended because it left me wanting more. If you're wanting to play the game, get ready for a pretty disappointing ending. Also, if you're not a fan of short games, this game is not for you.

If you want, you can check out the playthrough I did of this game below:

If you liked what you saw, come check out my channel for more videos like this by clicking on the link:

This game was surprisingly creepy and trippy. I played this game looking for a relaxing experience but I was sooo wrong. The game starts to spook you even from the start. The ambience cleverly adds to the atmosphere of the game and helps the player get fully immersed for a wonderful experience. The only complaint I have about this game would have to be the puzzles. Some of the items you needed to advance in the game were either too small or blended really well with the surroundings. Other than that, this game is a must play. I highly recommend you download right now and play for yourself. Wearing headphones and having the lights off is recommended for the best experience.

If you want, you can watch my playthrough of the game down below:

If you liked what you saw and want to see more, here's the link to my channel:

You're welcome! I'm looking forward to playing more of your games!

Takume caught my eye immediatley because of pixel art style the dev went for. I just love that retro look and feel. Everything about it just screams old school games back in the mid-90's. The game immediately engages you by having you follow your sister right off the bat. I guess the mystery to what was going is what really drew my attention and wanted me to continue playing. In the end, I love the bond between sisters shown in the game and the deep topics it tackles. There aren't a lot of games that do that. I feel like a lot of these short indie games are perfect tools to tell a great story. It's almost like an interactive picture book. Anyways, I'll stop rambling and just tell you to play the game yourself and so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.

If your interested check out my playthrough below:

If you liked what you saw, come check out my channel by clicking the link below:

This game is unique and very very terrifying. I nearly pissed myself when I played this game.

Here's my playthrough of the game. Excuse the bad commentating. It's the first video I recorded with facecam. On top of that, I'm also terrified lol

If you like what you saw, check out my channel by clicking the link below:

This game is very strange and very bizarre but I love it. The ambient soundtrack and the unsettling atmosphere are perfect and help make the player feel very uncomfortable.

Watch my playthrough of the game here:

If you liked what you saw here, be sure to check out my channel and subscribe for MORE!

Link to my channel:

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This game is wonderful! It has a great emotional narrative that perfectly matches the setting the game takes place in. The soundtrack is fitting with an ambient type of sound. The instruments consists of an acoustic guitar and piano. There are two story lines in the game which both come from the view of the guy and the girl. I really enjoyed playing this game and highly recommend you play it for yourself.

I made a video of me playing the game so here's the link to it:

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This game was unexpectedly creepy and I enjoyed every minute of it. I love the nostalgic vibe I got from the point and click style gameplay and the pixel-style graphics. In other words, this game is amazing and I highly recommend it. I give it a 5/5.

In playthrough, I made the mistake of thinking the game was a short story driven game that was full of emotion. I was super wrong lol

Here is my playthrough of the game: