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Mr. Tophat

A member registered Jun 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh, I see, I didn't think to include the same solution for when the fishing rod is just placed in a spiderweb. That is a definite oversight.

And you are correct that it would be best to make the cursor react to interactable objects; I actually intended to do that at first, but abandoned the idea due to time constraints and then forgot about it.

I'll see if I can put out a new version that fixes these issues. Thank you for pointing them out!

(1 edit)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Being able to place the calendar page on the hook is actually included in the newer version.

The intent with the messages on the 2 wall was that you can use the spiderwebs for storing items, and that you can directly tamper with anything that doesn't have the metal circle with spikes.

Being able to go up and down was the initial intent, but playtesting quickly revealed that this is very disorienting and unintuitive, so after some thinking I settled for going left and right in numerical order.

Glad you enjoyed yourself despite these issues!

I have decided on the name without being aware at the time of anyone else having already taken it.  Had I known, I would have tried to come up with something better.