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A member registered Apr 05, 2021

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I've played this game the whole way through, and I loved every second of it.  I look forward to Act 3's  continuation, especially because I want to take back the farm. The Day Care must be liberated! 

The only problem I had was the game refusing to show the quick menu even after I enabled it. It made the grindy bits, like the college lectures and the club dances very grindy.

It's definitely got a promising start so far! I love stories like this, looking forward to more! 

Talk to Yen Sid until he mentions the hyenas he keeps letting loose, then bring it up to Clayton over drinks.

(2 edits)

Okay, I'm lost. I've spent a few hours trying all sorts of different stuff, and I'm stumped. 

I cannot, for the life of me, get the option to draw Belle, nor can I get any sort of intro to the villains at Big Thunder Mountain or The Land so my Park Rating is tanking despite every other attraction that doesn't require a Princess I assume being built and being fully upgraded.

I've had conversations about scheduling a fireworks show or parade for the park, but the option doesn't appear in my laptop, just summary, attractions, girls, and villains. 

Did I break the game somehow? Was i supposed to get Belle before Jessica Rabbit or something? I can't even finish the dates with Cinderella because the two villains I can't get an intro to are keeping my park rating in the tanks so I can't frigging take her out.

Maybe not trigger warnings, but a list of fetishes would be nice. 

Though I think every sex game should have those. It makes it a lot easier to decide whether I'll like it or not.

She's not a Lesbian though? She's bisexual, or at least she's MCsexual with a side of lesbianism.

Is it possible for your heart to have an orgasm? Because holy shit, even only going to Chapter 4, that was quite possibly the best romance and sex game I have ever played. I'm like actually in love with Petal now.

You're fucking awesome.