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Mr Zed (MrZgames)

A member registered May 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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By suporting us on patreon, sadly that's the only way for now we are too early on development.


The issue with the buttons is currently related to one of your characters save being corrupted. This could be because of a abrupt shutdown of the game (while it was saving) or a due to version progession (if your characters were from very old versions)
Try going to c\users\your user name\appdata\locallow\skyflarestudios and removing the character files one by one from the folder until the game works. 

On monday I will update to 0.7.1!

That seems to be a bug related to characters. I can't seem to find why it happens. 
I know it happened when updating from 0.5 to 0.6+ as the structure for some save stuff changed, but I can't find the exact error.

In the meanwhile you can remove characters from the save folder one by one until you find which one wrecks the game startup.

Yes, on friday!

Yes, once it is ready!

That seems to be an issue with the savefile, I'm trying to fix it.
It seems at some point the save got corrupted and now it throws an error when loading the game, if you have more than one characters try moving their saves from the save folder to another one until you find which one is the problem. It usually is a file that suddenly got empty.

The saves are located at c\users\yourusername\appdata\locallow\SkyflareStudios

It's on the training submenu, but it is not enabled for the free demo yet! 

I saw this happened to two people already, check your video drivers, that usually fix the issue!

There is no way this game runs on mobile, it's too heavy!

There will be in the future! I can't say when because I don't know honestly, but there will be before launch!

No, sorry. There is no official Mac support, as I don't have a Mac, and whenever I try to troubleshoot something the answer from unity is "build it and test it with a Mac".  Some of the players used windows emulators or something like that to play without issue, but my knowledge  about apple stuff is extremely limited.

Not yet, but I want to add some of those in the future!

Do you have plugged a joystick or perhaps a second monitor? I think unity may have issues in these cases.

But you have to enable all the restraint options individually if you use it with an old character!

I think you may be confusing me with someone else, my previous 2 games are completed and released

There is already one talent for that, it's on the right side of the talents and it's called Counter! 
(And this will be greatly improved in the next update with the possibility to have your own "preferred sex positions")

Yeah, I just checked this, it seems I fucked it up on last updated, Ill get it fixed on thursday!


Of course you can do it!
If you need more characters, there is a Character-Sharing server on the Discord channel!

Yes, once it is ready!
(It will also be uploaded here, when ready)

Ill take this into account and see what I can come up with!

Nao vai poder ser, jogo e muito pesado para android e a jogabilidade e pensada para pc.

I forgot to put the changelog:

Dungeon Coup - 0.9

Improved the Dirty talk text: now it rotates with the camera!

Fixed an issue that caused sometimes to spawn a pursuer in the player's room before he left the room.

Added a new Feature: Performance mode! This is actually a system that I implemented on the last update, but it was always working. Now it is optional, as it had a small side effect. (Sometimes it would hide the room completely, causing you to see everything black except the characters).

Added a new Feature: Change camera settings: When pressing the key (Default:C) you now can change between two cameras: one that rotates with the character, and one that doesn't and only rotates with the mouse. when you press the Change camera button, your camera position is instantly reset.

Added two new options: Invert X and Invert Y. You can enable or disable inverting these axises for the camera movement.

Rearranged the Cum voice volume to match the rest of the sounds volume.

Added the 7th Floor: this one is themed: Latex!

Added the 8th Custom character slot.

Improved the Hair colors for random enemies, there won't be any enemies with randomly generated shiny hair colors.

Greatly improved the Blindfold "blind" effect for hardcore difficulty. Blindfolds now reduce your visiblity radius instead of just darkening your screen.

Smart Camera positioning: Now when entering any sex move your camera position will be adjusted to look better at the action. After leaving the sex scene, your camera position will be restored to the position it was previously.

Immersion change: Now when cumming you lose 10% of more of your will and 35% of your stamina, which you quickly recover while lying in the ground.

Pursuers will now properly keep pursuing the player, regardless of line of sight. (Update 0.6a broke this)

Enemy pursuers movement speed reduced by 5%.

Reduced Willpower regeneration by an 35%. Now it is back to the numbers it should have been.

Fixed an issue that caused bras to not be removed sometimes.

Fixed the big bad bug that caused sometimes enemies to start running away while fucking.

Added a new feature: Traps!

Added a toggle for enabling and disabling traps in the Custom menu.

Once again the customization menu has been improved and the font on most of the tooltips has been made more clear.

It seems in my rush to complete the update I forgot to disable the playerai that I was using for the test. I will fix this bug on thursday as soon as I get on the work computer. You can skip this bug if you pause the game and enable/disable "Auto-Play". Im sorry for this fellas, I haven't found it in time ;_;

Oh I tought I had replied to you!

That are some marvelous ideas, and it is something similar to what I have on mind! thanks for the suggestions!

Hey, thanks for this very detailed bug report, we will be working to fix these as soon as possible.
Regarding the maps: in the 0.7 update we will be using a whole new system (that we are currently developing) to make procedural dungeons, and there we will fix most of the issues with the dungeons, including the pathfinder, the lighting, etc.

Little spoiler but, there is a Feature planned for the launch of the game, a whole mode where the objetive is to pursue the subs and get back at them!

Thanks for your report and ideas, i love when people share such great posts as you!

Im from Argentina, so my main language is not english, i always try to fix any typos people report, but if people won't report the errors i wouldn't know to fix em. Thanks for telling me about beginning, ill fix for the next update.

there is no ballbusting in the game :(

I don't remember finding an option for enabling this. i will take a look, but that is actually a great observation, i haven't realized that they aren't able to pivot!

Thanks for the feedback!
The AI pathing is the real problem, the stupid AI is a product of unity's navmesh failing to properly calculate distances in realtime in narrow corridors/small rooms. Im working on a solution to it, but so far i haven't progressed much. But improved AI is a priority.
Other types of bondage things are planned as well (like blindfolds, gags, etc) but will be getting in, in future updates.

The system for rare spawns is actually in-game, it just spawns "pursuers", which are slightly more stronger than normal opponents, and will take you a lot of effort to make them lose track on you. All of these things will be improved once i can get the new AI working.

Thanks for the feedback, and im glad you enjoyed the demo.

I think that may be the case, but im really unsure about it.

hm weird... Maybe try downloading it on another computer and copying it once extracted ?

1 - At this point i won't add or change more buttons (cause 12 different skills are enough already) but you can drop some domination spamming Speed up!
2 - A Practice mode may be a good idea, im not sure when i will be able to add it, as im very busy right now building the core of the next game!
Thanks for the feedback, i always love to hear ideas!

Yeah, this file inparticular has over 5k downloads, and nobody told me that before, so i think it is because your extractor can't identify the file typing (which is .rar).

Yeah, there are more bondage options planned for the upcomming updates!

Oh wow, that's the first time i see this.
Do you have winrar installed on your computer? perhaps safari doesn't recognice the file type?

which stuck glitch? can you provide with a bit more info (the faster i locate the glitch the faster i can fix it!)

Is this in the new version? or somethign that happened before?

Hello, this is a bug that has slipped by, it will be fixed on saturday!

thanks for reporting it!

Boundplay has to be unlocked!
But please write to me on Discord so we can try to pinpoint why the game isn't giving you the achievements!
(Keep in mind, you won't get achievements on Steam if you don't play the Steam version, the version here is non-steam!)