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Ms. Black Fire

A member registered May 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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I really hope at some point website will stop discriminating against f****** loli it's insane

oh my f****** god so it's because of Loli? I didn't even get the feeling the game had that in it, because it's a cute and sexy sprite fighting porn game

then I hope you able to sell the game some other place because don't change your game just because of these assholes websites


thank you for the update💗❤️‍🔥

yeah I finished the last update, is it added with this update? because I haven't found that weapon

yes I would love to see a lot of scenes with us f****** someone, especially Roxanne

the same issue was in the previous game I felt like a lot of money and Resources became worthless at some point

then again this is a very small issue it's not like we need something to spend resources and money on

by the way since I've finished the game 

you can see in the screenshot I have so much money and I also have a lot of resources, I would appreciate anything added to the game that allows you to get rid of that extra resources and money like something to use it on?


a giant goal to go towards.

more cosmetic stuff.

so on maybe the ability to increase your stats for you and your companions manually? without leveling up? by spending resources and caps

like has the Creator been involved in illegal stuff? or does the game contain malware? or stolen content?

if no to all of this? then the only reason this person and the game is removed from everywhere is mass reporting and why is that happening?

what are you guys doing? why you all talk about or asking stupid questions????

something has to be going on here with that game and creator since it's removed from everywhere and it can't be because of what the game is about because there's way worse games than some futanari game

right click and then go to saves then select a file and then click save and then right click again until you're out.

you just need to use left and right Mouse button for the entire game except sex scene you need X to continue 

(1 edit)

My review of A.I.D.A.

I have done it I have finished what you have made for this game so far and it was great I think you have improved so much from paccsu.

so I'm giving this game 5 out of 5.

but there is some stuff I would like to say as critique, that I already kind of know the answer too.

I will start out by giving these critique if you want to read the positive go further down to where positive is written

firstly I am an individual who prefers futanari and almost completely dislike straight sex between a male and female character, I find it boring and disinteresting.

this game is different because you're not playing a regular girl you're playing a robot and not just any robot a very sexy one that is able to attach a penis to itself, the problem that I have with this game since day one, is when you attach the penis you don't have a vagina anymore and it's really upsetting to me seeing the character and other futanari characters not having a vagina.

because that is not futanari that is shemale and that's something I really really hope it's changed in the future but I know that is a pipe dream.

on to my next critique that I also know will not be changed but I would like to let everyone else know about, this game Focus a lot on anal due to that being the personal preference of the Creator Zem.

Zem really really loves anal and big asses and also teddies of course but that means there's not that much vagina sex and you also not gonna see stuff like pregnancy.

which is a little sad? but what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's his game and honestly respect, he knows what he likes,, he makes damn good stuff of what he likes but that's a little "critique" more vagina sex that's it.


now finally a lot of the positive I want to get the negative out / my critique before going to the positive

this game is phenomenal I really think this is one of the best when it comes to this type of game it's fun to play the combat has improved a lot and I'm not going to lie I played a lot of this game just playing it not even masturbating that's how good it is.

a lot of the sex scenes are really nice some cute and some cheesy dialogue also good amount of humor all positives 

but what stand it out the most and what I loved the most is the relationship that is building up between Aida and Roxanne and also Valentine (i think I wrote that name right?) you know? the Raider boss lady

and I hope that the Raider leader will join the party and becomes the third party member either her? or Gilda the woman who got sent after us from the Tech

anyway there's a lot of positive stuff to say but this is already really really long now the final thing I would like to say.

(future hopes for the game)

I really hope this game goes on a lot more like a little more stuff is added before we save the doctor and also you know a lot of stuff is added after we saved the doctor one thing specifically for example is arm armor would be nice to get preferably before we saved the doctor some more paint jobs and a few more clothing options for both the protagonist and Roxanne 

and also a lot more sex scenes ((preferably vagina sex)) where we are either f****** with our dick or we are receiving

but also a lot of sex scenes need to be added to Roxanne because she's just standing there not getting anything but she's also very recently added so it makes sense

one thing relating to Roxanne the milking Farm where she gets milk I would really appreciate that makes her start lactating at random moments or even permanently or her breast size increases further after she has been milked a certain amount

anyway this is my review it's very long but I also really like this game so there's that.

happy to see your back❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥

I'm so f****** happy I literally also thought they have died

I'm so happy to discover they are not dead❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥😮‍💨

yo i are just stumbled on this game and it looks amazing super cute, have nice adorable shy futa in it💗😍

I will be happy as long as the game is finished someday even if it has to take decades or something because you cannot force art


I'm gonna write this to anyone who comes here in the future...

I think this game is... dead. it's not being updated anymore, there is complete silence on patreon and has been for at least a year or half a year? I don't know if higher tiers had any connection? or not? I was only low payment member.

anyway from what I have seen and actively been looking up there's no updates, there's no communication, there's no nothing and now? it's technically 2 years since an update here.....

I don't know why? one person say beneath me they have seen somewhere that they're dead? I don't know if that is true? I hope it's not.

but no matter what the case is as to why there's no communication and their absence and no updates just assume the game itself is dead and left behind or not being worked on anymore and just be happy it exist because I don't think we'll get any more than this unless someone else somehow continues it or does something else similar

holy s*** I really hope that's not true😰

but they have not posted any updates here for 2 years now and I stopped eventually being a patron due to complete silence on patreon as well.

so either it's true? and they're dead or they have left this game and everything behind or something is really! keeping them away from saying anything in regards to the game and updates in general and as to why the silent.

yay!🤩😍 thank you for the update💗 what an amazing Christmas gift🎁 Merry Christmas early to you😉💕🎄🎁

still no update😔😭


this is an amazing game with a very nice unique pixelstyle art and Incredibly diverse cast there is so many options in regards to who to have sex with and personality wise there's so many unique people to choose between to have sex with and have a relationship with from male to female and futanari

but not just in the normal category of having sex with a guy where he sticks his dick in your vagina no here you can do much more than just have sex the traditional way which is so fantastic

this game is one of the best examples of bisexuality in a porn game 5 out of 5

I didn't even know you worked on a game🤯🤩 this is fantastic great game❤️‍🔥☺️ simple and fun💗 and a great reward at the end🥵🤤

this was a pretty fun game simple but works perfectly

don't worry about it at least I'm not worried about anything except revolves around paying for something I only pay for stuff on Steam because my computer is so f***** I don't trust any website except steam

I have a question regarding the relationship Morty will build up overtime with the different females characters like will be only have sex eventually or will Morty actually be able to have a love relationship and having a child stuff like that with multiple different female characters even those who ar related to Morty

sorry if I ask but I want to hear for the developer themself I'm going to buy the steam version now how is the Steam version different compared to this one on this side that's all and the game looks lovely