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this is mildly comedic to me because the ONLY 3 assets i didn't make are the sound effects 

It takes more playtime to realise this naturally, but
1. Turrets friendly fire, you can draw their fire to each other and have them kill each other by weaving between them
2. Turrets are only 1-2 shot kills, you can get through the whole game without reloading if you place your shots well.
3. Your rolling speed > Yellow and green bullet speed, you can outrun everything but the red bullets. 

Neuro and Evil being pure information beings brings up a lot of freedom in terms of Sci Fi, whether or not you consider them Sentient, Sapient, or AGIs. Ellie went on a tangent about going FTL via quantum entanglement and as we learn more about advanced physics the possibilities for Neuro and Evil get more insane, It's cool shit to think about. Thanks for bringing it up.
Also the gun is based off the SG552

I tried being able to shoot the buttons, I probably could get away with it in the story and death screens but in the menu it means you might accidentally shoot them, but it was also the same script for all the scene transitions, and the jam is 72 hours.
Ammo is limited to 120 rounds + 30 in first mag for all levels except the last, which has somewhere closer to 300? 
Thanks for playing it.

It seemed a bit jarring to go straight back to respawn without an explanation, plus i just am horrid at UI lol it was easier to make all the menus just game scenes.

Rolling into objects to break them,  actually, wouldn't be hard to implement with the way i have the code set up.
I tried to implement a smoother system for rolling because this one is mildly scuffed but that one ended up giving more bugs than I had time to fix.
Walking backwards is very intentionally scuffed , I like people being forced to commit to the rolls/runs, so I made backwards intentionally slow, people don't really like it very much I find.
I had actually taken a LOT of time to program a system that disallowed shooting while rolling properly lol, very intentional, I like that the speed trades off your ability to shoot.

I'm horrid with UI, making the game UI game objects you would stand on or collide with lowered the development time to a manageable level for the 3 day game jam, also let me reuse a lot of code. 
A lot of the lack of UI is down to my poor UI capabilities though, which on one hand I should brush up on but i love diegetic elements.
Camera was the one thing most people agree is pretty shit, I need to build a better base for that, I've been brainstorming that when free.
Doors can 100% be something interactive but again short development timeframe meant I reused code (and in this case assets) wherever possible. Plus readability is improved by the scene's end conditions being obvious. 

The Evil sitting on the box on the game win scene was actually meant to help tell the story, but implementation would've also taken more time.

Balancing was the hardest part though, if you see the description you can actually find a "Hard version" because I got a LOT of feedback on the difficulty curve and had very varying responses. I also wish I could flesh out the story but I focused on getting the gameplay fun.
I really appreciate the feedback tho, genuinely appreciate it. 

i wish lol but idk how the licensing on that works

Excellent game, cool gameplay, personally, not a card game guy, got invested anyway, 9/10 orthodontists would recommend.

Go wild lol, and yeah I have no clue how to balance it, I got equal amounts of complaints about it being hard to beat as I got about it being easy to beat.

Why must you hurt me like that. 5/5. but why.