open your task manager (using ctrl+alt+del) and go to the performance tab... there you can check how much memory ram you have available and how much are you also using already... and youll also can check for which cpu model do you have and which gpu model (if you have any... some pcs doesnt have a gpu) do you have... once you get that info then i should be able to know if is better than my pc or worse... if is worse than mine then both of usll know why isnt working the game for you... but if is better than mine then maybe is because youre playing it via browser... the game's autor (fisk) recommended us (the players) to play the downloadable version instead of from the browser for better performance... actually... if dont want to share that info tho... try that last thing (downloading the game) first... if it doesnt work neither then try to play it on another pc instead...
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theres not... i guess as for ive seen in the previous messages you need to give to him the shamanistic toolskit but the question now would be... where did you got that item so i can give it to kwolo?? i mean... these questions are because i think im not very good being blindguided by the game... is that or maybe even if i like this games lore and i do enjoy playing it isnt my usual kind of gameplay so i often get braindumbed and start searching for some walkthroughs because of that... or maybe both reasons are true... idk anymore... sorry...
hi... i think ive got a bug that doesnt let me go at normal speed... when using allure ability just in the moment when getting kidnaped for low hp... youre get stuck with those stuning effects even if theres not any persistent status aliment on kivuli... tested in v0.114... is there a way to fix that bug manually or should i wait for you to update the game??