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A member registered Feb 20, 2021

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Really great game! Loved the atmosphere, the increasing pressure of the workplace, a solid length for a short horror game with a satisfying ending. Definite recommend and follow. 

Good sense of atmosphere, would be interested in a longer version for sure. 

Solid game, good level design and character work, great concept.

Game looks great, very creepy vibes, love the camera footage style, plays out very well, Solid game! 

Solid game with a fun sense of humor!

Cool little game, nice work!

Pretty fun game.  Along the lines of other 9-5 dead end job horror games. Enjoyed the atmosphere and the wild ending. Followed developer for more! 

really well-done with a good concept. the radio voiceovers did a great job of building tension, and the atmosphere was on-point. solid effort, solid game. 

Very cool short horror game. Love the graphics, the bizarre music, and the dreaded tension as you just know something's bad gonna happen. Giving the developer a follow, can't wait to play more! 

Definitely would play through a longer version. It's a little bare bones, but as a demo should be. Supplies information and theories, a brief taste, and then it's gone. Found it played pretty well for a demo, looks good, plays good, no real bugs or difficulty getting through. 

Good luck on the future of this project guys! 

(3 edits)

Really fun teaser. Good graphic design, nice build-up, and good climax, able to give you a short experience with almost no backstory which creates all the more intrigue. I played SolitaryStudios' other game UNDER just a few weeks ago and that game was also great; these guys are worth keeping an eye on. Great effort here and good game! 

Made in 48 hours so that goes with consideration to the game - good job on creating atmosphere/building dread, solid concept that gives a lot to work with. Could have used a little more teasing of the "monster," but I understand there were time constraints. Overall, well done, and it was a fun little playthrough. 

Game is super fun! I love these style of games; you get lost in mundane tasks while things slowly escalate around you and get weirder and weirder. Developer did a great job of building that anticipation and there's a lot of comedy spots as well, despite by the end becoming a pretty dark game overall haha. 

It's a great effort and I look forward to more games from JordiBoi in the future

Pretty cool game, great level and monster design. It is admittedly a tired genre for me as WW2 games are so frequent, but I appreciated this one's vigor and zest, and would love to see a longer version. If you can create something like this in a week, then there's definitely a great game waiting here somewhere. I donated and I hope others continue to do so. Will be following Solitary Studios going forward! 

A solid entry that stands above a lot of the loop games that have come out in recent years. It hits the right notes, has a certain nuance in its storytelling, and strong production value. As someone who does always like to provide a critique if possible, I would say the hiding can get a little tedious at times, just considering there's only one spot and it's a pitch black screen rather than the "peek corner" other games use. Otherwise, this is a good game and a fun hour to spend, recommend to anyone who hasn't yet bowed out of the loop game subgenre. 

(1 edit)

Pretty fun game. Immerses you in the mundane tasks pretty quickly as tension starts to build around you. Lot of mysterious things going on, not a whole ton of explanation, but it's a demo, and being vague isn't always a bad thing. 

Definitely had a convenience store-night of the consumers kind of gimmick to it, but I appreciated the sort of zaniness in this game, especially the boss, who by all accounts sounds like Kermit the Frog lol. 

Giving EntertainmentSystems a follow for future releases, very good job here. 

Very cool. I love the type of survival horror where one presence kind of dominates a particular setting and there's a specific way to defeat them/escape them, and you need to figure it out all while they're coming to kill you. Got Crawford Family vibes from this one which is a good thing, but now I gotta go back and play some of your other games I missed. Great job! 

I for the life of me cannot find these arrows. I've grabbed the flashlight and searched high and low. I can't find the arrows on the floor, the ceiling, the walls, anywhere. Please help a brother out and tell him what he's missing. 

Very cool. Really liked the level design, it had a unique look which built upon the game's identity. Good exploration/problem-solving aspects, and so far intrigued with why the antagonist seems to be toying with you. Overall it delivers most of what you want out of a demo, and I've added this game to my wishlist on Steam. Look forward to playing more!

Good effort for a first game. Sets the tone well, subtle scares that keep you on edge, and a suitable antagonist. It could use a little more explanation as to what's actually happening, but for a cinematic-experience style game it does its job. Enjoyed playing, look forward to seeing more from this dev. 

A pretty fun game. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the playthrough. Good scares here and there, and I appreciate a game that has a good balance of leading the player, but also forcing you to figure it out yourself. It never got too confusing, and any blank stretch of gameplay was figured out in a matter of minutes. Also, kudos to your decoration of the HQ residential house! I recognized some of the other assets but had no clue it was the HQ house until the credits rolled. 

My only critique for improvement would be in the climax scene; I just feel more could be done with it. I like the idea, just think (as I say in the video) that it could use more oomph. Perhaps some extended version of it with a jump scare or two to spice things up. Overall though, I very much enjoyed my playthrough, and thanks for letting me enjoy your game. Thumbs up! 

Dug the game. Really like the premise of it, reminded me of the terrors of The Mist with how things from other universes are just slipping in, but obviously this has more of a sci-fi twist. Gameplay was smooth, seems like those stalkers could for sure be a challenge at some point. Overall, I was left wanting to play more so you did your job. Thumbs up!

Solid demo. I liked the world-building through the notes where you slowly began to learn more about the creature/what's happened here. Game is well-paced with a good action sequence to finish up the demo. Overall leaves you wanting more. I will be keeping an eye out for the full game. Thumbs up!

Really fun experience. The employee had me cracking up ("it's a verb"), and the gameplay just goes all-out on mocking the typical corporate workplace. The last bit during orientation got me too. Thumbs up, well done!

(1 edit)

Thumbs up. Good work at getting the player to want to dive in further. I like the idea of the Priest using the crucifix as his weapon, the rosary helping refill faith, all that's good stuff. I also like the idea of the protag being an older, more feeble kind of guy, which from the game synopsis and all the caffeine pills I came across, I assume that will be more of a factor in the main game. While the demo was quite brief, I was intrigued, and went ahead and added the game to my wishlist on Steam. I'll be following!

(1 edit)

Good submission to the game jam. I like the visual style, fun little point-and-click experience. As I note in my video, the theme at play does seem to be a little on the heavy side, but I also understand for such a short game you don't have a lot of time to get your point across.

Overall, thumbs up, and I would be interested in playing a fuller version. Kudos!

(2 edits)

Quality demo. Level design is solid, good creepy vibes throughout, and you can tell a lot of though was put into the puzzles and how to set up each stage and move forward to the next setting. Definitely look forward to playing a full version.