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Mundane Maestro

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Thank you for the feedback! Finding the right SFXs was hard so I settled on reusing a few SFXs in a few places, but now, without the time constraint of the game jam, I can spend more time getting the right SFX that fits the best. Thanks again for the feedback!

Thank you! And yes, the "moving" update is already on my "TO DO" list, haha! Thank you for the feedback!

Oooo, those are some good ideas! Given the jam theme, I hadn't even considered the possibility of having more than one item being different, but now you got my brain going in this new direction. Your second idea has also got the gears in my head turning. I'm definitely writing these ideas down for future updates! Thank you so much for the feedback!

Yeah, I have to admit: figuring out the amount of time the player has to select the shapeshifter was a tad difficult for me. I settled on an amount of time that was challenging but not impossible. Likewise, I also had to settle on not varying the amount of change between items as much as I had wanted. Had I had more time, I probably would have implemented either 2 difficulties or 2 separate game modes: one being slower-paced and more relaxing and the other being fast-paced and more challenging.

Also, I hadn't thought of adding moving spaceshifters into the mix of possible differences so I'm writing that one down right now. Good Idea!

Thank you very much for the feedback!

The style and vibe are great! This is the kind of game I'd play to kill time while waiting for something and then end up spending way more time playing than I had initially planned, the kind of game where I'd say, "Okay, just one more level," before playing multiple more levels (or in this case, days). Very satisfying!

Cute and chill vibes! I love the look of the main menu. The text on the gameplay screen is a little hard to read though. Maybe a bolder font and/or a thicker outline on the font would help. Regardless, I would love to play more levels!

This put a big smile on my face! I was excited to play just by the title alone, and the gameplay did not disappoint me. I also love the artwork and the music! Such a good vibe!

Very fun! I admit I was a tad bit confused at first about how to play, but I picked it up quickly and ended up playing for a lot longer than I was expecting. Side note: clearing a level of all the blocks felt very satisfying!

Amazing idea for this jam theme! There's a good amount of levels in the game as is, but I would love to play more!

Understandable. I did plan on increasing the difficulty of later rounds, but unfortunately, I ran out of time and had to prioritize completing other aspects of the game. Thank you for the feedback!

The vibration is meant to be a sign that you took too long and that it's already "game over", but I can see how it might seem more like a warning that it's almost "game over" instead. I'll consider making a future update to allow input during the vibrating—if not in general, then perhaps as a new difficulty mode or as an expanded gameplay element to spice things up. Thank you for the feedback!

OH, I hadn't realized how similar my gameplay is to solving a CAPTCHA (you just gave me some ideas, haha) so thank you for the comment and the laugh it gave me!

Thank you for the feedback!

The current idea is for there to only be 1 possible solution word per round even though, as you said, there might be other possible words to be made in a round (just through the randomness of the letters). That being said, I'll definitely consider making a future update for multiple solution words in a round.