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A member registered Apr 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thanks for reaching out! We are aware of that problem yeah. We want to solve it, but it may not be in our power to do so since we may need to get a modified version of the engine. We'll keep working on the game and hopefully solve this issue. Thanks for your comment and interest in the game

Dev safadinho é um termo e tanto kkkkk

Hi! Glad you're enjoying the game!

1. You can press ESC during gameplay, or check the options in the menu before entering the stage.

2. We actually got it from different musicians!

We do, but it's part of the supporters reward on Patreon or SubscribeStar

Hey! Glad you're enjoying it! We do have some segments that you'll be able to play as Gerbera. But they're shorter and more puzzle based. Traps are also a feature in future stages. Please keep looking forward to the development, we'll be adding a lot of cool stuff!

Hey! Thank you for playing the game! This kind of video helps us see where the game can improve. We're glad you had fun.

We have no plans to have that as mechanic!

Hello! We're reworking some things in stage 1, so that'll be adressed. Thanks for supporting the game!

Hey, thanks for the suggestion. At this point it's harder for us to implement new mechanics like that. We do want to add more stuff, but we can't make any promises!

We are aware that we have some russian fans. We'd like to translate the game to Russian as well, but it'll depend on some factors. If the game performs well we are going to be able to translate it to more languages.

Hi! We're glad you liked the game!

We don't plan to have after death lewd animations. We'd rather have them as a reward.

For the other questions, there are a lot of uncertainty as of now.

We'd love to update the game more and while we're not going to work on a sequel immediately after finish this, we'll come back to it.

Pirated versions are unavoidable and we must accept this fact. We hope that if players pirate our game and enjoy it they'll consider buying it to support us.

Yes! We'd like to make it at least available in Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese.

Can you share your PC specs?

It is a cool idea, but unfortunately it doesn't depend on us. We gave permission to them to use the characters, so it's up to them. Hopefully they'll include her eventually

Gerbera is... ummm... on vacation?

Hi! We prefer to not give a date, since there's the chance we may not deliver it, but we'd love to release something in July. We're still working on the game daily.

You can find him on a secret area, after the first waterfall keep going until you get to a part where there are some broken bridges, between them you can go down and find a secret entrance. You can also purchase the secret areas map from Chrys the Merchant, next to Checkpoint 4 to help you out.

If that were to happen right now it would work, but in the future there's a chance we might have to change some things in the code and it may be necessary to start over.

You mean the arrows on top of the characters when you defeat them?
You can press either Up or Down to activate the lewd scenes with the defeated characters.

Hello! We're really glad you enjoyed it!
We did consider other character, but for now it'll be just Arma. We need a bigger team to be able to bring more to the game, until you can do this we'll stick to the plan of making 5 stages and Arma as the playable character only

We'd love to bring it to as many platforms as possible. But right now our focus is on the windows version.

Hello! Thanks for the question! We're glad you liked the game. The plan is to have just a demo for free and the final game will be sold here and other platforms as well.

We do have a discord server for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStar

That's really cool! Would love to see a video

Try clicking the window and press F11

We do, we have an active patreon where we post updates.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. Right now you can hold the jump button to automatically jump off of them. See if it helps

Mobile version is not on the plans

I can see that working as a Costume DLC, but that would be a long way from now lol

Hello! Thanks for the heads up, should be fixed now

Indeed we are

When you click download you can click the "No, just take me to the download" option

oh I'm sorry. Yeah, AFTER the cutscene you find him somewhere else. THEN you have to follow him.
Sorry for the confusion!
If you go to the merchant next to a checkpoint you can buy things to help you navigate the stage more easily

You gotta be fast, use the dash button to gain speed and try to get some hits when he's trying to jump off a wall

Hey, thanks for the feedback. We're always working to improve the game so we appreciate it

Sorry, but they're not in this version

Some ppl with AMD cards had a similar problem. If it's the case you might want to check this

Yes, only one stage so far (we're almost done with Stage 2) and you do keep your save

We're working with that goal in mind!

There's no final date