I would just have this to keep on my wall :)
It's a beautiful hexmap
Recent community posts
I just got this following your many other works.
I'm really interested in how you handle magic in these settings.
A more mechanical preview of the kinds of magic, and its perils. Is there anywhere I should look?
I've also never read the Dark Sun Setting, so my guess is you might be drawing a lot of inspiration from there.
I LOVE this! It must be one of the best "we have AC at home" games I've played yet. Please don't get this the wrong way I'm having tons of fun with fine tuning my build.
I've got a bit of a suggestion if I may :
Is it possible to add something of a description for part classes in-game so we can get a more accurate idea of kinds of parts we're putting on?
I won my first game :D
So far it's awesome!
It would be good to have an example of play here. I've done mine on PC.
I'm already considering just using the dungeon oracles from Solitary, for flavor, but as far as a mapping square crawl go, this is cool.
If you want, please consider the following suggestions:
- I may have missed rules considering backtracking, but that might be cool too. I'm worried that one might explore most of the dungeon too quickly, and that doesn't leave much to do for the others.
Might be cool to consider a special bonus for mapping out the entire dungeon, if possible.
So far, it's really cool, I like it, definitely something I can see myself messing around with on the go.