Thank you for replying to my comment. What I was referring to was the death of my last relatives. I might have plans but their death will be really burdening and unacceptable to me. Now that it's noon and I'm not in that depressed phase I can see that even after their death, life could be hard but I'd stand. Maybe I'd be vulnerable and think a lot about suicide but then again, I'd probably find ways to cope with depression. Mental hospitals are a good option as well. Anyways, thank you for your time.
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I hope I'm not late but there is this little saying that goes: "suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems." And problems will occur like on everyone, you will go through tortures but in the end, what you live for, are the 3 hours you spent laughing your lungs out with your best friend on that night you decided to paint your nails while trying to do face paint to each other and had SpongeBob playing on a phone with one of those cheap screens to make the image bigger. You don't live for those 3 hours you cried your eyes out. I am not going to beg you to continue living but i know that somewhere inside you, you have that meaning. Even if you don't, do it for the ones you love. Have experiences, live your life. Don't just breathe. After this, if you still want to go, then do something exciting. Get on a motorcycle and go on a mountain. Do all the crazy shit you can imagine and if you did, you've achieved your goal. If not, there's a new goal waiting for you. Good luck on your own adventure.
I felt kind of depressed and decided to go with such a game... I was left crying and asking myself why would she do it when people loves her, when she knows that they will be hurt, when she knows she is useful, when she knows she is valuable. I'm really young, a middle schooler, and even younger when I had to face parental loss but at the moment I just didn't care. It's all coming out now and the way she just went made me angry. Angry at the fact that my people died when I cared about them. My siblings did and friends as well. It wasn't purposely but I am just so, so angry and so, so confused and hopeless. My only reason of existing is my mentally unstable sister and my aunt (mother's sister.). There is also this old lady that takes care of me but she is 70 years old. I don't know how will I cope with her death. After her, if I lose those two I lost it all. I have have many plans with my bestfriend but they will have to be canceled. Anyways its 5am and the severe depression kicked in. I am so sorry for all this vent but if anyone out there actually read this and listened to my problems then... Just thank you.