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A member registered Mar 12, 2022

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dew it >:3 also keep up the amazing work kal, love your stuff and sending all the love for ya!

the biggest one, click on the dlc link and then click on the upgrade to unlock, it will tell you the amount

(1 edit)

Got it! Thank you again for opening it up! Will you be adding the other DLC and stuff with it later? I don't want to miss anything you make xd and if you ever need any ideas, always here for ya!

Aww can't get the puppet DLC xd well ill just wait and see on her! Thank you though and hope the best! Later I plan on seeing about patreon but right now can't do the monthly as I don't have a job or a source of income

(1 edit)

Also rip, all I have is paypal

I did buy deep review way back when, so if there is a way to contact you, would love to send you $4 or 5 if you ever open it back up for Paypal! :>

Heya, love this idea, but I have a burning question, you say the new DLC is exclusive to patreon, but will it ever come to here? I would buy the patreon but I can't afford $10 for a good while, and would love to support as much as I can! 

I do have some other ideas and characters, like mangle, the toys, or fan characters like ones from tomicoo but you would have to ask them if you can. I may be purchasing it on here but hopefully you can release all of it on here later!

Congrats! Welcome to adulthood! 

All good, hope you are doing alright too! :>

Just saw this game, but guess it's on break time, is there a way to get an older version when you haven't played before? Kinda want to see what the characters looked before any major changes, like recently I guess? Also keep up the great work, love the designs, and always need a femboy with a big butt xd but in all serious, don't give up, take breaks, and remember to always have a backup

Keep up the great work Darck!

So I haven't bought it yet, but i think why they increased the price was that the vr version was not working properly so they were going to fix it, or at least I hope that's the case, but just wait, as I will be as well, and hope to buy it when it is ready!

Work on it as much as you want and don't stress out about people asking questions, you are doing an amazing job and super grateful for it! A lot of fangames get cancelled or just stop development for good, but glad you are still going!

thinking about it, but keep up the great work! :D

Thinking about this one, keep it up though, maybe you can work with tomicoo :D

Hope so, kinda enjoy it as it also gives me practice too, and something new to learn, Keep it up Game Wolf and don't give up!

Still though, way better than what I could ever do!

Very interesting! Hope we can be able to download your other games too! Keep it up!

Woot woot! Take your time on it and keep being awesome! Still waiting for the new year from where I'm at when typing this, but happy new year and hope things go very well for all of us! Thank you for being you Yuuto, and looking forward for every project you do!

Hope for the best, the paid one hasn't updated for me for a while for some reason, but glad you are still going on this game! Love the idea of it and always happy to support! Keep it up <3

Jesus, hope everything goes alright, seeing the comments, rip server

Damn, as long as you all work and take breaks, I can wait! Sad to see another game going into hiatus, but don't really want any devs to get burned out, can't wait to try my hand at it in the future. 

I just hope though you keep a lot of the features from this one, I really like the art, the characters, and the mood too, like leans more towards if you fuck up, you die, rather than a kinky death. Don't get me wrong, we all play to see that kinky stuff,  but it's good to have some variety, like this game!

Looking forward to all of your projects, don't stress though please, as I know you all will get through it! Keep it up, sending positive vibes too, I wish I could help, but gotta learn how to even make games, or anything like that first off. You got this and sorry for the long ass paragraph, and love how you typed this.

God I wish Itchio would make it so you can just pay the amount needed, like I sent $5 already before, but now need to send another 6 xd like trust me I would love to support ya, but need to in the future, keep it up though :>

woot woot! Sadly might have to wait and I did buy it when it was $5 but itchio being weird as always xd Keep up the great work, sorry for the deleted messages earlier.

Woot woot! I wish I had money to help out or put a character in xd but stay awesome team! <3 Looking forward to it!

aww man, the final build ;w; love this game and all the stuff included

Saxton wanted the Sex Ton robots all to himself xD

Legendary Mann though

-Added Mann to credits



I hope you do come back, and when you do, you will kick some ass and make a killer game! Take all the time you need, these breaks are good, especially for you! You got this bud!

Take your time on it! Can't wait for it, and keep up the amazing work! 

Can I just say, you are legit amazing, thank you for working on this, you made a really awesome novel, and I love it :> I would be just like the mc and being super nice, thank you for doing this though, hope I support one day, as right now I don't have a ton of money xd

I am thinking about this game xd but just not sure at the moment, keep up the great work though! :3

oh yeah! Take your time xd <3

Maybe one day xd just hope the best for you all! <3

Also not sure if you have heard of them, but another project idea after this is I would love to see a VN or something with Tomicoo and his amazing videos! :>

Sorry to hear that, glad you don't fully cancel it, but we will wait! It seems like other games are also learning about godot, so if you need any help too, they can always help each other! Keep up the awesome work, and love your stuff!

Holy moley, keep up the great work all! Hope you can get more help too, I would offer my help but I first gotta learn what to do xd

Yesss, legit was just about to ask if you were doing alright xd, keep up the great work! <3

holy moley, great work on this!

All good! :3 As long as you knew about it xd but keep up the great work! You got this!

I just got around to play it finally and I found an error after trying to give Carla I think the photos for the scrapbook, I forget the way I took but know for sure I gave them to her and she said thanks, and then it did an internal error where you can ignore or do whatever, pressed ignore and it brought me straight to the menu

I'll try to figure out what I did when I can