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MW. Games

A member registered Jul 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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try refreshing the game a couple of times.


This is my first bitsy game

(1 edit)

Good game. It Definitely fits the cozy autumn theme 


thank you, and are you talking about the death sound because I’m thinking about changing it. I will definitely rate your game.

Thank you, and yes I will definitely lower the volume.

I like this. The gameplay is simple and it reminds me of fruit ninja. I really like the concept, but I do wish there was sounds effects and that the game was polished more. But overall it is a pretty fun game.

(1 edit)

I really like this game. It fits the theme good, the art is good, and the music is good. I do wish there was sound effects and there was more platforming but overall this is a really nice game.

Thank you. The text is there just for decoration it doesn't actually do anything.

yeah I recommend it turn the volume down when you die

I really like this game. It is hilarious and really fun. This game definitely is so bad that it is good. I like the art and the music. I had a fun time playing this.

This gaem is actually kinda gud

I chose new life into old things because I have a lot of ideas you could make into a game.

if you guys have suggestions for what I should add or enemy designs then please add your suggestions.

(4 edits)

Devlog #1 Hello, My name is Matthew and this is my first game jam. This is also the first game I’m making or technically I make a game before but we don’t talk about that one. This project is going to be done solo. I have experience making art and music but I have very little coding knowledge. This game is going to be made in Unity and it will be a short 3d platformer.

Story: It’s 5000, and A.I has taken over the world and living things no longer exist. But one A.I robot becomes curious about the past, so he tries to find the Time Machine before it gets destroyed when the night cycle ends.

I’m using some free assets, but most of the art is going to be made by me.

The Music will be by me.

Today I plan to work on the movement and art.

day #2 Ok so I have the movement done since I used the Unity 3rd person template and I downloaded some sci fi textures. The game will take place in a futuristic laboratory. Now I’m going to work on enemies and lava so you can die. So I tried to draw acid but then I realized I’m terrible at drawing so I just downloaded free acid textures online. So I add a script where you respawn when you touch the acid and it is working.


(Sorry that the photo is very pixelated because it doesn’t let me take pictures more than 3 megabytes of storage )

I’m now just placing props around and making it look nice. I also tried to add particles to the acid but I don’t know how to use Unity’s particle system so it looks bad.

Day #3 I did nothing 

Day#4 Today I added more obstacles, acid, particles, and enemies. I made enemy models and imported them into Unity. I tried to make them follow the player but that didn’t work so they just patrol an area. I make the player respawn when it touches the enemy. At first there was this bug where the player would randomly respawn when it jumps I think I fixed it but I don’t know if I did I then added acid and platforms where the player has to jump to platform to platform. I added some enemies to the platforms.