Many thanks. Strategic-RPGs causes me (and I think too many other potential players) no small amount of suffering because (as someone that as of now is calcified on the tactics and routines of the turn-based-combat) I have no sense of map placement and unit movements.
Recent community posts
A question (born from me playing another h-flavoured Strategic RPG, will it ever be possible for those of us that sucks at strategic turn-based RPGs but that wants to enjoy a story without having to cross the fingers every time they battle to get a Cheat Item to clean the battle area (so to be able to focus on plot and scenes), if it not a problem and/or would not ruin the game itself?
Uh, I downloaded the game after scrubbing the old ones (error in downloadings, you see) but when I try to open the game it tells me "Downloading TyranoScript" in a blank window without doing anything. How do I solve the problem?
EDIT: NVM, I managed to solve the problem by re-scrubbing the game and re-dowloading it.
I understand your pain (Middle and High School with high usage of pen-and-paper homework and note-taking. Second year in Middle School our math teacher made us basically copy the whole textbook, and my wrist remember).
Isekai? Uh, intersting!
A little suggestion: could it be possible to add bickering between the Isekai MC and the Narrator, a-la Cthulhu Saves The World? For the combined lulz of us player, of course...