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My opinion:

A member registered Jun 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love the voice acting, I love the characters, I love the story, I LOVE THE MINI ANIMATIONS, I love everythinggggg AAAAAH!!! Really not a single one of the comments in this comment section is exaggerated!!! This vn is really good! I CANNOT wait for the full game! However long it takes I am now a huge fan!!!

Oh, alright thank you for answering.  Can't wait to read more!

Hi! I first played this in a choice of games forum (been my obsession for a while), do you plan to change platforms to or will it be on both?

I love the story so far! I noticed I can't change the character's name though, is that on purpose?

Hi, I've been a fan of this IF, and I wanted to know if it's still being worked on?

It's alright! Things happen! I do hope things get better though, May and June didn't seem to help you much. Also take care of yourself. The story is amazing, but for it to continue it needs a healthy author too. (Thank you for answering my question.)

Hi! I've been visiting this IF very often, and by the way I love everything about it already! I wanted to know if you have a planed date for the next release? (Sorry for bothering you)